Why was Bell Labs so uniquely productive compared to other R&D efforts? When it comes to some later inventions like C it's often said it's because they gave their researchers a lot of freedom but it can't be that simple or that formula would've been replicated elsewhere.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:15:48 GMT
No. 25594532
Infinite budget and had the best post ww2 scientists all in the same buildings
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:19:06 GMT
No. 25594549
> or that formula would've been replicated elsewhere
It was, in google for example
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:19:35 GMT
No. 25594551
Science back in the day was easy you could throw a stick into a vial and find something new
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:21:09 GMT
No. 25594561
It was the right time (post ww2, technology still young and easy to move forward) and the right place (white country (at the time), capitalist ideology)
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:24:12 GMT
No. 25594577
>capitalist ideology
Bell labs was peak mid-20th century managerialism, there was no market discipline until Ronnie Raygun broke up bell and they had to do stuff like try to sell unix for profit
one of the oldest deep state institutions
i guess
btw the ceo for bell labs confirmed the mars face was real and they where told to cover it up
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:21:22 GMT
No. 25595057
BR tire theory, here some people claim the telephone was invented by a BR priest and Bell took credit because of government ties
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:25:40 GMT
No. 25597094
At least when it comes to telecom, it was bound to happen. The knowledge was there, the market was there, and the regulations to reward anyone innovating with a national monopoly was there.
I remember studying murkan change in regulations regarding telecom monopolies, and it shows that they do tolerate monopolies when they see it as beneficial for the nation. Telecom monopolies were tolerated with the argument that telecom tech required standardization. After all, can't communicate without standards on both ends. Because of that, AT&T was allowed to expand monopolistically, and they rewarded the nation a good cycle of R&D coming from bell labs and then fast commoditization of those new techs through the AT&T monopoly.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:32:26 GMT
No. 25597159
Xerox Parc was pretty productive as well.
Its just that Bell is more popular with modern nerds because of UNIX