lincucks sisters, i have a question ok. Have anyone managed to make a more convenient linux setup with a tablet, than chinkpad? i'm on a chinkpad right now, but it's kinda big and heavy and i have it on like a stand that i move around next to my chair, like those kiddie school tables. so i can sit or lie down in my chair(s) and i can move laptop however i want while i am fully relaxed. i connect to actual pc through the chinkpad. i'm wondering whether there's a better way to setup the thin client.
how is it better than my awesome? i only use maximised windows and just jump between desktops/windows with wintab/winq. that's 4 different screens on simple shortcut, plus various combinations of 9 desktops. for terminals i just have tmux with tabs, it's the same tmux in every terminal window, i switch through tmux tabs like ffox tabs ctrl+pgupdwn. and shortcut to open/close terminal client.
tiling is just ricing, it's inconvenient.