Your opinion is understandable, but only if you are immersed in, and embrace, our gay and retardd culture.
Let's pick your points apart one by one and add examples for illustration:
>they need oiling and cleaning
Leather shoes do require brushing and waxxing. Plastic shoes do not. Yet Leather shoes last decades, and do not shed microplastics with pollute your body with estrogen and turn you gay.
You lament the requirement to occasionally maintain a gun - but that's just trying to conveniencemaxx and avoiding any responsability, to avoid any diligence required of you.
Is such an existance spirtually and philosophically desirable? Don't you require some self fullfillment from doing a job well on occasion, and isn't a small, isolated little thing like waxing your own quality shoes or cleaning and lubricating your own guns to maintain them a really neat, uncomplicated self-fullfilment source you should dip into?
>and securing because kids will kill themselves
Again, we have a desire to push away responsability and maximise convenience. Let's ban the dangerous guns and outsource our personal security to the moloch of the state - without considering the desastrous consequences.
Shouldn't you be diligent? Shouldn't you have agency? Shouldn't you be competent in handling danger yourself to empower you psychologically to face opposition in the world?
If you give up physical security and outsource it - you also give it up psychologically.
How much is it really to put a gun into a safe or a sturdy locked closet? It seems like a minor inconvenience?
Shouldn't your kids be raised responsably and know not to mess with dangerous things?
Is it appropriate to raise your kids in such a way that you need to fear for them messing with your guns?
Once they're tall enough to reach, you should have taught them not to.
Again, pushing away the responsability (of proper parenting)
>guns are gay and I'm glad they're banned.
>criminals will target you to steal them.
First, everyone should be armed.
Then criminals will not target you specifically, but everyone.
Also then criminals will be shot.
You pick an ill (criminals) a weak, disarmed society has produced, to advocate for further weakening and disarmarment of society.
Imagine criminals trying to steal from a population with near 100% arms posession rate.
There won't be many criminals.
>shooting them is shit. loud, smelly and toxic, and boring. target shooting is probably one of the most boring "sports" there is.
You're denying the most primal male urges, the core basics of male psychology - hunting, providing for the family, and defense, against rival tribes. Guns empower the core male existance.
You're either physically or at least psychologically a woman. A victim of the male power dynamic, and thus afraid of it.
>also everyone is extremely anal about safety.
Again, shying away from any responsability. Do you notice it? How many of the ills in your life can unironically be boiled down to a lame Jordan Peterson trope of clean your room and wash your penis?
>if it's legal for niggers and unhinged people to own
Again, FUNDAMENTAL failure here. See you can only imagine gun ownership in a broken, sick society.
A proper society has no niggers. A proper society has no unhinged people.
If you follow your logic, then you need to ban knifes, too because niggers and unhinged people exist in your society.
And cars.
And 2 by 4's because they can be used as clubs.
The problem is not the gun, knife, car, or 2 by 4. The problem is the nigger and the unhinged.
Eliminate those, don't touch guns.
>then you probably need to carry one yourself for protection.
>which means you have to carry a heavy thing around all the time that you should never want to have to use.
You want the guns to be ABLE TO defend yourself, because that is the MINDSET you need to have to not go insane as a man.
You never want to actually have to do it, it should be an ultra-rare event society optimizes out of existance, obviously.
I hope I could spark some curiosity in you to re-evaluate how you see society as a whole first before you take such a radical stance on a small niche detail.