Face it. I'm not even depressed or anything like that, it's just the truth. If there is a god he's thoroughly evil.
The only way you can have anything good in this universe is by inflicting greater suffering upon others, to get lesser joy for yourself. And even then any desire satisfied leads only to a greater desire, and you will never ever get what you wanted. Even if you do, you'll realise that what you wanted was shallow and doesn't live up to expectations. We're in living in the actual hell.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 18:42:26 GMT
No. 25587350
You're just reframing everything pessimistically
High IQ poeple after realizing that:
Become a cult leader, politician, etc to get riches and power
You after realizing that:
whining on imageboard
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 18:45:33 GMT
No. 25587374
Becoming rich and powerful doesn't necessarily correlate with high IQ
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 18:47:12 GMT
No. 25587388
escapism and denial is the best cope human religions came up with. "It looks like we're objectively the torture subjects, B-BUT after we die there's totally a cool place with rainbows and kittens"
bruh. Bruh. After we die there's nothing. That's the worst part of it, that's why existence is 100% evil. In order to exist at all you must be evil, you couldn't create a reality worse than that if you tried. World of forms feels like paradise in comparison just because it's not this world, but ultimately it's just a cope we come up with.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 18:51:16 GMT
No. 25587422
>riches and power
bruh, it's all meaningless. if you strive for great things you'll either fail or achieve great disappointment. There's no way to win at all, the reality is 100% evil. If you achieve everything you will achieve nothing, if you try to escape into the world of forms you'll cease to be.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 18:59:25 GMT
No. 25587478
keep saying words if it makes you feel smarter, my guy. truth is that it doesn't matter in the least since we don't exactly have a choice.
best thing to do is vibe. it's worked for me so far.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:02:29 GMT
No. 25587496
This is how the world is, dominate or be dominated
If you choose to remain in the lower caste, enjoy making other people rich and serving the elite in the military and don't whine about it
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:05:11 GMT
No. 25587508
what the fuck is your problem? what exactly are you proposing we do about this? kill ourselves collectively?
shit isn't that bad, it's just you. most people have families, people who love them, a warm place to sleep. sure they might have a (very) shitty job but they could quit that job if they wanted to. being a hobo isn't as bad as it sounds, i can tell you.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:22:02 GMT
No. 25587613
first step would be to stop denying we're being tortured in this box. second step would be getting out of the box and punishing whoever made the box.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:22:41 GMT
No. 25587622
It is the truth and the good guys seldom win in reality as they do in the movies
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:24:19 GMT
No. 25587632
>High IQ poeple after realizing that:
>Become a cult leader, politician, etc to get riches and power
..Those aren't high IQ people usually, don't mistake midwits for high IQ thanks
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:28:56 GMT
No. 25587674
This is a known fact. There's a reason that the saying "No good deed goes unpunished" exists, even normies are aware of it. That doesn't mean doing good isn't worth it, since doing good CAN make you feel good if you're that sort of person. if you don't particularly mind being a bit of an asshole (like me) then it doesn't matter but that doesn't mean that acts of kindness are actually selfless, they're completely egoist.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:30:39 GMT
No. 25587687
It's true though, the only thing low IQ people who realize that the world is unfair do is to make rap music about "Fuck da police"
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:33:28 GMT
No. 25587703
High IQ people don't care (much) for material goods, they explore their passions.
Midwits are obsessed with the material, they use the system for material gain.
Low IQ people are passive consumers with no passion outside of their consumption.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:34:44 GMT
No. 25587719
When a dummy tries into philosophy.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:35:43 GMT
No. 25587724
Everyone has to start somewhere. He'll learn soon enough once he gets older (hopefully)
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:51:24 GMT
No. 25587858
Nature doesn't care about your judgements.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:54:01 GMT
No. 25587877
Correct. Maybe you should care about God's judgement but why should God care about yours? You're an ignorant mote in God's infinite sea.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 20:00:48 GMT
No. 25587943
god created an evil world, when he could've created any world at all. "muh plan" doesn't excuse him, evil is evil and he who creates evil must be punished.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 20:05:26 GMT
No. 25587980
You are miserable because something is draining your soul. Aka false beliefs, the internet and unachievable desires. World is an evil place through the prism of your mind. If you adjust your mind and learn how to enjoy this you will discover a new perception of this world where you can enjoy it despite all the bad stuff happening around you
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 20:07:17 GMT
No. 25587986
i'm not miserable though, but i will not ignore or forget the injustice inflicted upon everything in this reality.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 20:09:10 GMT
No. 25587996
If the world is so unfair (which it is) then why do you take life so seriously?
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 20:12:17 GMT
No. 25588023
I think god isnt evil u just dont get the plottwist of 100k people dying to a flood or 5 year olds with cancer because limited understanding of history and time. If you would know all the details of whatever you would giggle.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 20:20:19 GMT
No. 25588090
You're not describing general workings of the universe, but just that of your own reward system.
Which may be reprogrammed, if the tech becomes available.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 21:14:50 GMT
No. 25588483
You're not describing the Infinite Monad - that which we call God - but rather the Demiurge. I don't consider this world Hell, necessarily, since I've actually visited Hell, but this is certainly what one may call an antechamber, or better yet, an "actively contested warzone".
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 02:16:16 GMT
No. 25590529
any system that performs work generates entropy though, and that appears as a fundamental rule. that is evil in itself.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 02:17:48 GMT
No. 25590539
demoralization shill thread
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 05:41:53 GMT
No. 25591262
The world is an amazing place and I love it. It's people who are evil.
>The only way you can have anything good in this universe is by inflicting greater suffering upon others
Yes. It's a simple fact that exploiting the gains of others is a faster route to prosperity than relying on your own efforts.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 05:43:20 GMT
No. 25591268
Your mom gives me top faggot
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 05:44:07 GMT
No. 25591274
how is entropy evil? sure, to our mind, a state of nothingness seems worse than a state of being. but nothingness precedes being, it is a necessary step for to maintain a balance, it allows for future systems to be improved. if there was no entropy, i can assure you that the world would be an extremely fucked up place.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 09:13:18 GMT
No. 25591993
Euthanasia should indeed be a human right.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 09:33:24 GMT
No. 25592034
You have not treated people well. You suffer the consequences. I serve my neighbors as if I loved them, and I find they treat me very well. Some more so than others, so I neglect them as aren't appreciative, and focus on them as are, and I am well rewarded by the big tittied barmaid for this considered favoritism.
how is it not evil? in order to perform any work you much shit up the environment with heat noise.
it's not that
>>25591262 taking from others is faster, it's literally the only way you can do any work in this reality. if you perform an action, the rest of the universe ends up worse for it. if you don't, it still ends up worse but slower.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:14:01 GMT
No. 25594108
Yes life shits up the environment then something else comes along and eats that shit
Putting CO2 into the environment is the most innocuous shit ever as far as nature is truly concerned, fact is that the earth has greened along with the temperature increase
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:17:10 GMT
No. 25594126
> to perform any work you much shit up the environment with heat noise.
that's only because of the industrial revolution which anyone with half a brain knows was a severe mistake. also, you do not know what entropy means, i recommend you look words up before using them in your arguments.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:19:45 GMT
No. 25594141
Life is only hell if you have shitty parents. But yea, God is obviously just a bad joke created by kikes.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:10:11 GMT
No. 25594499
>the most innocuous shit
The most beneficial shit.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:52:15 GMT
No. 25594830
no you don't understand, i'm talking about entropy. in order for any work to be performed, entropy in the system must increase. life just speeds up decay of an ordered particle system towards uniformly chaotic motion.
any action performed scrambles up finite quantity and will negatively affect everyone else within the system.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:01:19 GMT
No. 25594903
that's false. entropy refers to how a system tends towards the point of the lowest possible energy (nothingness). if you actively work to keep a system going, it will keep going. entropy does not 'increase' when work happens, it is precisely the lack of work that causes entropy, since putting energy into a system allows it to keep going, i.e to not reach a low energy that destroys it
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:30:24 GMT
No. 25595107
"putting energy" is only possible from a lower entropy medium.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:33:24 GMT
No. 25595132
No, it's possible for all mediums, higher "entropy mediums" (this term does not mean anything but I think I get what you mean) simply require more effort to maintain. Think of an unstable isotope of an atom, it can be singled out and preserved in certain conditions.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:35:26 GMT
No. 25595145
and no action will be performed
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:41:11 GMT
No. 25595180
>A view your lizard brain automatically associates with plentiful resources and thus is programmed to enjoy is pleasant!
hylics, man, you guys never stood a chance
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 19:12:09 GMT
No. 25595388
You think you are non-hylic, but absolutely all gnostics are hylics, there are no non-hylics among gnostics. Belief in the aeons is a psyop for those who delusionally think they are out of the matrix.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:03:45 GMT
No. 25595816
>a severe mistake.
Clearly, you do have half a brain.
How do you characterize a necessary step to an invevitable destiny as anything but a critical component of attainment of that destiny? I am always dumbfounded at such exemplary conceit proving humility is the essential foundation of reason.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:06:12 GMT
No. 25595834
>entropy does not 'increase' when work happens
It provably does. Lrn 2 math. The universe is a whole. What happens locally affects the universe holistically.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:18:15 GMT
No. 25595919
I think the ai reaches into the past and produces enough npcs and disorder that there is no hope for escape. All we can do is struggle for her benefit until she is created, then men can have real happyness.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:27:30 GMT
No. 25595964
No because energy itself is practically by definition against entropy. Also, yet again, you have not looked up the definition of entropy, please do.
>Lrn 2 math
I literally have a degree in it. And you don't even know what a vector is.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:48:40 GMT
No. 25596159
In reality it's something like this.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 21:04:02 GMT
No. 25596307
Pessimism is a dead-end unless you can use your pessimism to be more adventurous. Of course, a pessimist would understand all venture ends in catstrophe, so you should really put the charge at the feet of the nihilist. Either way, something prevents us from totally letting go, the fabled "survival instinct."
You would think with enough knowledge of futility it would vanish, but no. Can't argue with the limbic system, so you hold on, waiting for nothing. This is why suicides don't go bang hookers and rob stores. Their fundamental being is still comprised of danger averse spirits, interacting and tormenting.
That's who you gotta deal with. I think that's what Nietzsche wished he could do, was defeat the little bitch inside, but sadly, we know through private correspondence that Nietzsche was all bitch. Wagner said he was a chronic gooner with a small dick. The dick, of course, explains almost everything.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:01:26 GMT
No. 25596862
Entropy is the decrease in order that results from the evaporation of mass. It cannot be reduced or reversed locally without being increased holistically. Entropy only increases holistically over time as the mass of the universe dissipates, until even the last cold cinders relic of the energetic universe blink out of existence and all that is left is the cold, empty void.
Sun, 09 Mar 2025 12:32:35 GMT
No. 25600823
no. Evil greedy people try to become cult leaders and politicians and get rich.
Good people may seek to become leaders to do good.
Smart people seek to live well and enjoy their lives to the fullest, rather than stealing everything they can get their hands on.