Here are some bitter truths about the Bundeswehr:
1. 400 billion euros on the Bundeswehr is as effective as 4000 liters of water on a cactus. The Bundeswehr as an organization is so exhausted that it can hardly take on and implement investments in a meaningful way.
2. The procurement office in Koblenz is a deeply corrupt and spectacularly inefficient, completely dysfunctional authority. These people will manage to waste 70 cents of every euro through bureaucracy, corruption, consultants, endless legal processes, etc. The greatest enemy of German defense capability is this authority, directly followed by the Ministry of Defense, which has bred nothing more than worrier-cover-my-ass lieutenant colonels with degrees in social education.
3. The best young officers with operational or even combat experience have been driven away in recent years by the spectacular incompetence, inertia, and gloom of the Bundeswehr authority. The Bundeswehr suffered a brain drain because it was more about vegan food, diversity, trans soldiers and childcare than about a powerful elite force that people are proud to serve with.
4. The abolition of conscription has simply destroyed recruitment.
5. In operations, the Bundeswehr is mostly in the way of the Allies. "German Red Card Holder" is an international running joke about the notorious obstruction mentality of Germans in operations. Bound by countless, confusing, often grotesque-seeming rules of engagement. In Afghanistan, German pilots were not allowed to fly at night and in bad weather. Against ISIS, Germany was only allowed to take useless aerial photographs while all other nations bombed our worst enemies.
6. The Bundeswehr has completely missed the age of drones and special operations forces. There is a deep distrust in the ministry of all elite, specialized forces that could kill in an emergency. The best in the Bundeswehr are monitored and harassed under suspicion of being "right-wing" - by the political leadership. There are no great military thinkers.
7. The Bundeswehr is a technological failure. The integration of real-time data into ongoing operations is almost non-existent. Listening in on a telephone call and simultaneously observing the target with an armed drone - pure science fiction for the Bundeswehr.
8. The Bundeswehr has no significant reconnaissance of its own. It is left behind digitally. The BND did not even notice that Kabul fell and Putin invaded Ukraine. The troops are blind on the battlefields of the 21st century.
9. From waste separation to military police flashing their lights, the Bundeswehr takes every German rule madness into action. It is the most bizarre symptom of total defocusing.
10. The German Air Force would not even be able to establish sovereignty and dominance in German airspace against a powerful enemy.
11. Without a total reform (tear down and rebuild) of the German defense bureaucracy, any investment in the Bundeswehr is a waste of money. When it comes to key assets, the "European arms industry" is hopelessly left behind or even dead. Either you buy US products with standard contracts from the manufacturers or the armament is DOA. Dead on Arrival.
12. The most important point: Defence capability begins with the population. NATO is not in danger because of Trump, but because no one in the world still believes that the Europeans, especially the Germans, are willing to enter into military confrontation. If Putin were to attack the Baltic states, there would be an 80 percent majority in Germany against German loyalty to the alliance. Even if Putin were to wipe out Fulda with nuclear weapons, the majority in Germany would be against a nuclear counterattack and the expansion of the confrontation. Every despot knows that. Article 5 only exists on paper because the mentality behind it has been politically worn down for decades.
Now honestly, what are the billions supposed to achieve?
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:55:07 GMT
No. 25585603
Germany is too powerful so their army has to have built-in stops like this
Is there anything to defend on the Germany?
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:58:45 GMT
No. 25585617
no. thats why nobody wants to fight.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:05:25 GMT
No. 25585653
Poor russians living in germany have to work full time on shitposting against their state
Lmao, OP reposting metodichka
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:08:13 GMT
No. 25585664
Lmao thats some zigger from twitter, OP copy pastes his views
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:08:40 GMT
No. 25585669
can't believe OP tricked me to read the whole thing
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:11:03 GMT
No. 25585693
>Now honestly, what are the billions supposed to achieve?
Make some people richer and most people poorer.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:16:28 GMT
No. 25585732
give million euros to every ossi and they all will still be poor after ans year
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:16:48 GMT
No. 25585734
>6. The Bundeswehr has completely missed the age of drones and special operations forces. There is a deep distrust in the ministry of all elite, specialized forces that could kill in an emergency. The best in the Bundeswehr are monitored and harassed under suspicion of being "right-wing" - by the political leadership. There are no great military thinkers.
I don't doubt this but what are you basing this of?
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:19:53 GMT
No. 25585754
this twitter post form actual zigger
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:21:15 GMT
No. 25585766
its even longer, didnt fit in single screen
is still true. there are tanks that are designed to be fired from pregnant women without the air quality getting too bad
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:25:47 GMT
No. 25585798
I doubt its for pregnant women though. Its good to get adequate ventilation in your tank so you don't get brain damage
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:26:56 GMT
No. 25585804
Well that's good when even pregnant women can join in, you don't need to be uncomfortable to be able to kill Russians
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:27:19 GMT
No. 25585806
It will be based when the last almans die in a war to defend brown rapefugee neets
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:32:15 GMT
No. 25585831
There are still some pure Aryans left in Germany. Don't know where they would be though.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:32:32 GMT
No. 25585833
probably not but its a waste of tax money. who profits?
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:39:07 GMT
No. 25585867
>Nooooo its le evil russian!
Hes right Yurii.
In Germany there is nothing to fight for once you got your semi-free education. People still sit here because its annoying to learn new languages as an adult (to a point of being fluent in it) and because immigration suddenly isnt that easy if you arent brown and going the refugee route to be either a welfare parasite or slave to the local exploitation office jobs no native wants to do but migrate properly and actually build a life.
If so people would leave this country en masse. The few professions who can already do so.
The rest is corrupt politicians, 70% taxes on everything you earn, endless bureaucracy, laughable wages while being one of the wealthiest countries on earth and absolutely 0 protection of lawful citizens by the state. If someone behaves wrong you either care for it yourself (and get jailed for being a vigilante) or you try to ignore it and hope you are not affected in any way.
Oh and politics is constantly on step away from also taking the 30% of wealth that actually end up being yours trough several schemes. We literally had like a handful of porposed tactics for complete expropriation of non-politicians in the last four years being openly discussed.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:40:58 GMT
No. 25585878
the government is the problem.
OP didnt say it wasnt
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 14:54:09 GMT
No. 25585952
Here is General Trull's farewell speech to his troops. He rages about the bureaucrats. At minute 6.50 he says:
The troops are more than a few glyphs or modules, they are more than the sum of the budget or weapons systems. They are a living organism. And these troops can be disbanded with the stroke of a pen, but it will take 10 years or more to rebuild them.
This country can face challenges at any time that require an army that will take up arms without hesitation."
This speech was in 2005.
I was in the Bundeswehr in 1998 as a consript.
In 1998 the Bundeswehr was already broken.