Sometimes animals in captivity exhibit strange behaviors, like pacing in circles all day because their bodies lack the stimulation of being free in the wild.
Sometimes these animals are trained to do absurd or ridiculous things like jumping through hoops . Sometimes this hurts the animals.
If you give unlimited cocaine to a rat in a cage it will often ingest it until it dies. If you give unlimited cocaine to a free rat that has everything it needs, it usually ignores it.
If you can't see all these things happening to humanity right now, you do not yet understand the times you live in.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 10:39:52 GMT
No. 25584788
Hey, so for everyone saying "how do we escape the programming?" The answer is not some magic string of words that makes people wake up, it's THE LAW.
THE LAW and the ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW are the walls of the cage. Not some astrology bullshit about "feeling your authenticity" or whatever.
THE LAW will brutally punish you for being free, otherwise everyone would do it.
Your country is occupied by your enemies, your laws are written by people who want you dead (but not before they make you suffer), and whenever you vote, you're voting for people who have 100% loyalty to your enemies and NOT you.
I hope you can put 2 and 2 together here! I hope some of you are not too dumb to pick up what I'm saying! I'm saying it pretty clearly! There is no "nice" or "cooperative" way to solve the problem! There is no "everyone wins!"
You cannot continue to vote to be eaten by either a bear or a lion! Your enemies must be sent away, and they're not going to go because you asked extra nice!
If you want the problem to go away, you have to grow up and be an actual man and not a crying gaywad who wants to solve problems by sharing cookies with people who intend to kill you.
And if you're a woman, you have to SUPPORT those men. That whole "toxic masculinity" thing you've been dragging us through was just you obeying our enemies because they know how to make you have weepy little girl feelings. Cut that shit out! It's disgusting!
If you're not at ▲ least ▲ this ▲ mad ▲
you're part of the problem okthxbye
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 10:44:48 GMT
No. 25584808
True cage is synaptic weighting in your brain.
You ca'nt change them by will, it is strictly reactive.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 10:56:44 GMT
No. 25584840
The working class (us) has been always exploited by the ruling class, nothing has changed in that matter. I don't see why the cage of today is a bigger threat than the cage of the past. That's just the system, like anything else in life such as the strong kills the weak etc.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:02:16 GMT
No. 25584851
Anyone who doesn't feel the urge to change it through revolutionary means is a hopeless NPC tho
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:05:00 GMT
No. 25584863
This is such a rebellious teenager thing to say.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:05:10 GMT
No. 25584865
You wake up in cage
Travel to work in cage
Sit in cage for 8 hours
Return to the cage you pay for that you barely live in
Ad nauseam
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:42:06 GMT
No. 25585546
me would like to peer review it. send me unlimited cocaine
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 07:43:40 GMT
No. 25591623
law doesn't mean shit, the only thing that works is violence, that's why the law does everything to prevent any amount of it UNLESS ordered to
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 07:44:17 GMT
No. 25591628
This is such a corpse thing to say.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 07:47:05 GMT
No. 25591642
The working class is exploited by (You) and the proof is that you're posting here at this time of day.