>They have council but they get representation in Murican Congress but not really
They have their own special office where the President manages them directly. Mostly this is to get welfare from the President, who can issue it unilaterally on their behalf, but also to complain about things like the Clean Water Act that bans them from dumping their sewage into local water supplies. They complain about states persecuting them for burning trash, burning coal, burning lead gas, burning sulfurated diesel, burning weed etc. They complain about their kin when the state cops get them before they cross the line, and demand they be given relief/leniency so they can come home and continue drinking themselves to death.
They also demand the FBI fuck off and stop investigating the widespread child
sex abuse all of them are notorious for. This is why they don't use public state schools, because the state schools will check for sexual assault and domestic abuse and ""kidnap"" their children into an "indoctrination center"" (foster care). Indian teens often apply for and get emancipated at 13-14 because it's like mexico and they're already driving and working full time man jobs by then.
All the reservations are exempt from gun laws so the chief can buy as many full auto machineguns and grenade launchers as he wants, and hand them out to his tribal warriors/buddies to blow up old cars (stolen from white people and driven into the ground). The ATF has to write to the President, who writes to them, to politely ask them not to resell them to prohibited persons (aka, 99% of the american population) they ignore it.