>Again. What is the merit of your "15 minutes city" if you don't consider the supply chain?
Why didn't you just google for 5 seconds before spewing your retardet bullshit, and then even doubling down?
Nobody claims 15 minute cities includes the supply chain. Who are you arguing against?
> You can't ignore it. And if you do ignore and just make the government pay for the transport the rents and house prices close to this "hub" where the goods arrives will skyrocket.
What are you on about? Why would the government pay for it? You as the consumer pay for it. As its already done in all the 15 minute cities all over your country.
Are you a retardet commie and don't understand how economics work?
> It's not a genius idea at all. Elon Musk focuses on actual technology. Advancement in space technology and huge cost savings. And this is the guy you hate. But the 15 min city which ignores supply chain is hugely impressive. Hilarious.
Why do you psychotic albanian now somehow jump from this topic to elon musk.
15 minute cities are not some new invention the WEF just came up with. Nobody claims its some new impresive invention. You are just a psychotic 89 IQ albanian that doesn't understands that the country you live in already is full with 15 minute cities.