>will THEY seize this historic moment
European leaders are not the conduit of power, that's not how things work in Europe, they are just the screen that displays the thoughts of a collective ideological core.
Ideological cores in eccentric plural democracies are an amalgamation of several small yet loud and powerful groups that share a core value.
When you want to look at what these people will do, you need to have a broader look, to the many different cores, and get a feeling of what they are saying.
Europe (and those that share their identity, which means Canada, Turkey and many other countries) could become the dominant superpower block in the planet, they have the wealth, they have the brains, they have manpower (muslism, but cannon fodder is cannon fodder), they have acquired knowledge and they have secure resources.
The question is, will these many cores seize the historic moment to turn Europe into a superpower? Everyone must take a bite at this shit sandwich, it's not a "the X will pay", everyone will have to pay. This comes with serious compromises, social aid cuts, mobilization of immigrants (they have to show they are committed to the country) pension cuts, higher cost of life and so on.
But honestly, I'm starting to think they will, I can see a synergy going on among different cores, it seems like they will foot the bill and accept the consequences in their lives, Trump might have dropped the decisive droplet in a full bucket.
And I don't think I'm alone in my prediction, I see that russians are specially concerned about this as well, despite claiming they don't, they are spamming any media talking about this subject, like this "swedish" proxy nigger
But they won't jump at it, this is not something that will be announced next week, they know the consequences of this decision and will carefully stitch every future drawback before announcing their decision.