It's interesting how everyone thinks the current administration is retarded and dangerous, but one group loves it because it makes people on the internet mad. How did this become such a pervasive "stance"?
It's a good question and there are many competing answers.
My particular favourite is the /b/tard psychology. People used to post the most disgusting stuff on /b/ just to get a shock and then laugh at the shock that they generated. The more disgusting pictures they could post, the greater the shock value. I think that type of thinking has commandeered the very top of the Republican party.
>and then you tell us "I dont to work, i dont want to work, i want asian gf, i want latina gf" its not how it works alright? you arent in the position to dictate you dont have the cards.
What, a reporter asked, would happen if the cease-fire Trump is trying to negotiate were to be violated by Russia? “What if anything? What if a bomb drops on your head right now?”
you need to be thankful for what you already have
but you arent
you didnt even say thank you to your mom and dad
>i did
no you did not in the context of conversation
Well, pigdog, that’s rather simple. Either you pay war reparation or if you will be executed as a result of tribunal, surviving hohols. You are not the first and not the last to do that. Germany did that too.
>>25549859>withdraw all funding form a financial sinkhole, saving billions that you can now spend on useful things, like CHYNA or kicking out browns>your retarded EUnuch allies pick up all the slack for you>one of your geopolitical rivals is therefore kept occupied, but at zero cost to you>said EUnuchs have a meeting where they say they will keep sucking your dick and are thankful for it
Yeah, he really fucking broke America, you retard.