Sun, 02 Mar 2025 19:18:01 GMT
No. 25549593SÄGE!
Not with a Doraemon item in the basket in a typical Vietnamese household, where everything looks legit, including the tiles and the basket design. AI can't nail that level of detail. 🙀
I didn't find any screenshot of the post made on 4chan, I'm doubting if it's real.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 19:34:06 GMT
No. 25549735SÄGE!
Same here. I couldn't find a thread about it on The /b/ Archive.
adrenaline makes you write like a retard
after sexing a little child the same happens to me, my writting is unrecognizable and often i writte two times the the same word
The worst is being on a nazi pedo forum and thinking that someone here is just joking. I have sex with kinder and take your delicious cunnnys fucking.