about to order steroids online but afraid of getting scammed or sold bunk/underdosed gear
could send to a lab to test it but that will cost hundreds more
hahahahha its so fucking over
on top of that there is no good dutasteride source in all of EU so ill bald even more
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:01:03 GMT
No. 25548090
why dont you order sarms instead theyre safer
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:05:17 GMT
No. 25548118
same problem as mentioned + sarms cycles are too short because orals are toxic to many organs + they are not usually converted to DHT through 5 alpha reductase which means balding cannot be avoided with the usage of 5ar inhibitors like finasteride or dutasteride
pinning oils solves all of that.
just a good 500mg a week of test with arimidex for 4 months
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:09:20 GMT
No. 25548148
all AAS are extremely overpriced.
when all they do is buy it from china/indiamart for 10 times cheaper
1 vial of test costs 6 dollars.
they sell it to you for 30 dollars or more
i am telling you bernd, if you want to make money jump into the steroid business, you can make insane amounts just buying crap from china in bulk and reselling for 10 times domestically