You honestly think this guy and his cronies will let go off the handle of power in 4 years? After all they've done, it would be suicide.
2024 was the last real election America had, as they voted to end them.
Total posts: 134,
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Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:40:13 GMT
No. 25543277
Eyeliner stonks going UP as everyone wants to look like J.D. Vance
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:40:39 GMT
No. 25543282
USAID sponsored posts were saying the same thing 8 years ago
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:40:45 GMT
No. 25543283
will be funny
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:42:09 GMT
No. 25543291
You think trump and Vance find elon annoying in person?
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:43:06 GMT
No. 25543295
Vance is clearly the most intelligent of the bunch.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:44:13 GMT
No. 25543302
yeah but the american deep state and institutions machine is ready to give them a run for their money, a hell of a run. it would be everything from all out civil war to assassination attempts by members of the agencies working with higher beurocracy who secretly kept their pledge to the constitution
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:45:25 GMT
No. 25543309
I did hear Trump state during the campaign, speaking specifically to Christians, they would not have to vote against, but only this one last time. Really creeped me out TBH.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:47:19 GMT
No. 25543321
No they're mentally on same vibes
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:48:06 GMT
No. 25543323
>secretly kept their pledge to the constitution
That has not ever been, isn't now, and will not ever be the 'deep state', which is an entirely unconstitutional institution countering constitutional restraints on government.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:52:24 GMT
No. 25543340
I do, but Vance is exceptionally skilled at groveling as a minion, and Trump is so old he just doesn't care anymore, and can hardly do the song and dance pretense of caring about anything. He runs on rote mostly now, having memorized all the steps of rabid Zionism, oppression proles, staging assassination attempts, blackmailing pederasts, it's all just muscle memory now. Musk could whine like a thirsty mosquito directly in his ear all day long and Trump wouldn't even be irritated, because that's what all he hears from people anyway.
checks & balances
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:52:24 GMT
No. 25543341
For Trump to pull a palace coup, he requires Congress or at least the House of Representatives. Right now Trump has power because he's largely defunding things, and reducing government expenditures. Despite limits on his Impoundment powers (imposed by Democrats when Nixon did the same thing), Trump can't actually *do* anything unless Congress first funds it. The House holds the purse, and specifically holds the ability to levy new taxes and conscription.
The moment Trump needs to build something like a military base, missile, or space station he needs Congress to provide him with money. If Trump wants to annex a country, Congress must provide him with infantry. This problem is already apparent in the extended budget standoff, where Trump is being told to gut Medicaid to replace his tax cuts and balance the budget, in accordance with the Budget Reform Act of 2013. Trump knows he can't do this, and is avoiding the inevitable reality of either compromising with Democrats or directly harming his own base's access to affordable healthcare.
In the end, Trump will concede defeat cut Medicaid benefits and voters will throw a fit when their insulin, viagra and ozempic triple in price and they will throw a fit when their tax refund does not increase. Life becomes more expensive and Dem turnout increases 2% - enough to control the House and throw the government away from Trump.
Trump has been bad luck for everyone except himself and his cronies. failed countless businesses and casinos, covid started under trump
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:53:58 GMT
No. 25543348
He betrayed your alter ego too. Also elons emerald mines.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:53:59 GMT
No. 25543349
trump literally told you last time the story of the stupid frog and the scorpion
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:54:29 GMT
No. 25543352
Trump will make Mexico pay for it. Easy peasy.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:57:05 GMT
No. 25543363
He is the antichrist because we got a global plague on his rule
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:57:11 GMT
No. 25543364
egg prices are still going up btw
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:57:20 GMT
No. 25543366
Jirinovskyi predicted 2024 to be last elections in USA but Trump did not do much yet. A lot of talk but no actions so I wouldn’t worry too much anyway.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:57:33 GMT
No. 25543369
Trump ate all the chickens
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:57:39 GMT
No. 25543370
All of these problems were first encountered with President Nixon. Nixon had a strong enough coalition until 1973 when important allies had died (J. Edgar Hoover) and his inability to end the fighting in Asia. Despite removing combat troops from Vietnam, Nixon had used his Impoundment powers to take away abortion money for a separate but related (the same) war across the border in Cambodia. This was a Special Military Operation that did not require explicit Congressional approval, but it did need Congress's drafted troops. Ultimately, the large wave of protests against the draft and the open fighting at college campuses convinced Congress to go against the war and, when the Watergate tapping was revealed by the DC Police, Nixon himself.
Trump is in the same situation except Democrats want war. They can't fight it unless Trump approves, but Trump also can't sign any deals without Congress and Trump can't have a functional military without Congress. Trump needs Congress's money regardless of the fighting or not, because Trump keeps wanting to cut taxes to perpetually underfund his government's activities. This is a fundamentally unsustainable situation and will eventually lick him.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:58:27 GMT
No. 25543375
You would think christcucks would take a notice when there is literally GLOBAL PLAGUE from the Bible around his rule, like God is punishing us for choosing him, but maybe they are too swayed by the Devil to care, huh
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:58:36 GMT
No. 25543377
thats just semantics. what i meant by deep state was status quo
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:59:22 GMT
No. 25543381
covid was started because of Trump. they literally decided to release the virus and kill millions to get rid of Trump
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:59:30 GMT
No. 25543384
Are they gay?
So much love in their eyes
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:01:30 GMT
No. 25543402
Vance is
Musk is just high
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:01:34 GMT
No. 25543403
Trump is old. He does not have decades like Putin. At such an age you can die any year from flu. I don't think he will be capable of holding power in 4 years. Without him, Vance does not look like a leader who can lead magatards. And most likely he will have disloyal parliament in 2 years.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:02:09 GMT
No. 25543407
> The House holds the purse, and specifically holds the ability to levy new taxes and conscription.
Trump can legally impose tariffs obviously but the bigger thing is he can also legally and easily issue memecoins as president by fiat to use as money and threaten institutions and people to use it in various ways... that's the real new factor. Historically presidents didn't have private printing presses like that.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:02:52 GMT
No. 25543412
i dont know who to root for anymore. the left was too left for me for a long time now, but the right was not too right for me, although close. now the right is too right for me and the left too left for me. i dont know who to root for anymore, except Ukraine. i still root for Ukraine. maybe Ukraine is the answer? maybe it should defeat r*ssia and then defeat the US, anchluss europe and rule the world with its unfalluable wisdom
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:13:16 GMT
No. 25543458
Trump, if the Republicans are on his side, can do anything he wants with the budget as only a simple majority is needed to pass legislation related to budget matters and the Republicans have a majority in both houses
That is why he is so focused on gutting liberals, that is what he has carte blanche to do
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:16:27 GMT
No. 25543473
If it's that easy maybe two party democracy isn't true democracy at all, really makes you think
>Trump, if the Republicans are on his side, can do anything he wants with the budget as only a simple majority is needed to pass legislation related to budget matters and the Republicans have a majority in both houses
What does he want though? Everything going on right now is Elons doing basically. If a Trump budget is just huge austerity measures across the board reality will hit pretty hard quickly
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:25:54 GMT
No. 25543527
Elons gonna send doge checks to people doe.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:27:50 GMT
No. 25543541
trump will be fused with AI and rule america forever
Commies get musks neura implant and is used as servitors to pick fruit
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:28:43 GMT
No. 25543548
Elons crew confused millions with billions, it's literal shitfest
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:29:14 GMT
No. 25543550
That leaves plenty left to cut, we don't need make-work jobs, use your youth to find productive work
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:30:14 GMT
No. 25543553
I do think so, yes.
Some goofy moves here and there could be claimed to be due incompetence. But they are literally doing everything possible to piss of everyone. It seens they need to do it in order to accomplish some goal.
What is it, though?
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:32:18 GMT
No. 25543564
>Let go
No need. With the amount of shit they uncovered in USAID, no sane impoverished american will ever vote for Democrats in the next 12 years
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:35:54 GMT
No. 25543590
Trump can issue new coinage but he can't force people outside the government to use it. And if Trump forces people to use MuskToken to pay their taxes, most Americans won't be able to pay because most Americans don't know how computers or apps work. If Trump attempts to force a digital currency mandate, it will be spat out immediately in the same way if Obama proposed it.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:36:03 GMT
No. 25543593
Are the zoomers retarded? Is it over for elon?
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:36:55 GMT
No. 25543602
Americans will vote Democrat the moment Trump touches their Medicare. Which he will, judging by the current status of budget negotiations. Trump can't fund the government without causing inflation or reducing healthcare benefits, and betraying his own voters.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:38:51 GMT
No. 25543611
There is no goal other than stay out of jail. He has no idea how to actually run the government or ideas on government, besides Steve Bannon. Eventually he'll realize Bannon is causing more problems than he's worth, and he isn't able to take sufficient action on China or Europe. This ultimately prevents him from doing anything meaningful besides cutting up the government as Musk wants.
Something's got to give. Trump can't have a big strong American Empire and a reduced government. He has to chose and with Europe splitting off, the Empire is impossible to maintain.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:44:45 GMT
No. 25543643
>Elons gonna send doge checks to people doe.
Trump did send out cheques first term around COVID and than it was blamed for inflation and economic malaises going into Biden's term when FOX NEWs claimed no one wanted to work anymore because they got like $600 in their bank account. If he blows a big load out of the gate like that it will be a one time thing and if economy still contracts or inflation kicks in than what?
>That leaves plenty left to cut, we don't need make-work jobs, use your youth to find productive work
Do you think America has an excess abundance of jobs? America really needs something like the Works Progress Administration again not depend on McDonalds creating more jobs
>Trump can issue new coinage but he can't force people outside the government to use it. And if Trump forces people to use MuskToken to pay their taxes, most Americans won't be able to pay because most Americans don't know how computers or apps work. If Trump attempts to force a digital currency mandate, it will be spat out immediately in the same way if Obama proposed it.
No I just mean Trump can pay for things he wants by issuing memecoins. Most Americans don't need to be involved, he can force foreign countries or industries to buy by doing stuff like threatening tariffs. All that is totally legal now e.g. he could promise to lower tariffs on China if they bought his coins and now China can freely fund Trumps pet spending projects. That's all theoretically possible, it's "corrupt" maybe but no one can stop it
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:01:43 GMT
No. 25543723
>Most Americans don't need to be involved, he can force foreign countries or industries to buy by doing stuff like threatening tariffs.
No he can't. Mexico told him to fuck off, so now there's Mexico Tarriffs. Trudeau told him to fuck off, so now there's Canada Tarriffs. He told Europe to fuck off, so now there's European tarriffs. Trump is effectively banning all imports, which is what he was elected to do, but he can't actually buy anything with the generated revenue as demand will reduce greatly and so will taxable revenues.
Trump can't fund the government like this, because other governments just refuse. Canada has already done it, Mexico has already done it, it'll happen to Europe next week. It's why the stock market is dumping and why the Fear Index is so high. Trump is rugpulling the foundation the market rests on.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:14:22 GMT
No. 25543790
He hasn't actually tried or probably is to dumb to understand what he could do so it probably won't happen but it's kind of interesting, it's a use of fiscal power in a way that's never been done before that would totally undermine the entire system of how the constitution was set up to give all spending power to congress and it's totally legal.
>Trump can't fund the government like this, because other governments just refuse
I'm not talking about "funding the government" in typical sense. I said he could fund personal projects and let congress be dysfunctional. It'd be easier to negotiate on this with countries like Russia/China. It also doesn't even have to be national, he could instruct foreign industries like steal or such to buy his private tokens for lowered tariff rates.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:01:58 GMT
No. 25543997
>'s a use of fiscal power in a way that's never been done before that would totally undermine the entire system of how the constitution was set up to give all spending power to congress and it's totally legal.
It's not totally legal. It is illegal. Trump doesn't have a right to impose financial controls outside of the US Dollar/Federal Reserve System. No law lets him do that. He could destroy the Federal Reserve entirely and start anew, but this destroys the economy, and he wouldn't have a way to efficiently collect taxes as Congress would have to authorize a second Bank of the United States.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:08:43 GMT
No. 25544017
It is legal
Trump just needs to privately issue tokens, than use public tariff power or some other presidential powers as leverage to get spending power. There's no laws to stop him after he legalized foreign bribery
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:10:55 GMT
No. 25544026
yeah but the woke democrats are super mad about it so it's good
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:12:55 GMT
No. 25544034
The SEC declaring memecoins aren't subject to their authority means memecoins aren't subject to the President's authority. Which means Trump has no power to regulate them, including no power to issue them as currency or require their use as money.
It is illegal for President Trump to issue a new US currency without legislation by Congress creating it.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:14:00 GMT
No. 25544041
>It is illegal for President Trump
grow up
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:16:56 GMT
No. 25544053
The President can commit crimes and be convicted of them. Trump can even be removed from office if he commits a bad enough crime, like bankrupting the country or other severe fiscal mismanagement that other posters are suggesting he can do. Sure he *can* do it, but it doesn't shield him from the consequences of his actions, which is ruining the government's finances which Congress controls. Congress would probably remove Trump if he hurt them like that. Financially conservative Republicans will not tolerate a reckless, stupid, financially illiterate leader and have 260 Democrats that would vote with them.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:18:58 GMT
No. 25544062
I dunno what universe you exist in but it's not the one shared by the united states
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:19:47 GMT
No. 25544063
You didn't dispute the point I made.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:20:35 GMT
No. 25544067
yes, i ignored it.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:21:33 GMT
No. 25544069
Okay, then why are you even posting then? You're posting non sequiturs that have nothing to do with my comments.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:23:25 GMT
No. 25544077
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:23:36 GMT
No. 25544078
I don't really know, I suppose I just find it amusing that there's americans who believe their checks and balances really exist, as they watch them dissolve. Going on about the courts and congress, how quaint.
Four more years!
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:25:07 GMT
No. 25544083
It's not the courts, but Congress. Trump can't pass new legislation, so he can't do anything. This much is already apparent in the budget standoff, and the fact that we run out of money on 3/18.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:26:18 GMT
No. 25544092
I'm not talking about him making it official legal tender or anything but using it as a possible alternative way of spending to circumvent congress combined with other presidential powers to manipulate value. The US structure of government is being undermined so massively transferring spending powers away from congress to the president could occur like this
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:27:24 GMT
No. 25544097
>but using it as a possible alternative way of spending to circumvent congress combined with other presidential powers to manipulate value.
what powers? Circumventing Congress is not legal. Congress won't authorize Trump to spend real money to buy fake money, and Trump can't sell fake money to banks for real money.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:29:02 GMT
No. 25544105
Trump can make foreigners to do it is the thing. Like I said he could do all kinds of things for china or Russia and they have the excess dollars and gold now
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:29:47 GMT
No. 25544106
How could Trump make China or Russia do anything? Russia doesn't want fake money. China doesn't want fake money. They want real money. Why would Putin trade real money for non-real money?
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:29:57 GMT
No. 25544107
>not legal!!
dijoewjfoiwfjeoiwj living in a fantasy world
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:31:54 GMT
No. 25544119
Trump can lower tariffs or do all kinds of things unilaterally as president that would benefit them like impose higher tariffs or sanction countries they want dealt with
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:34:54 GMT
No. 25544129
Trump was elected specifically to protect American manufacturing and American oil, so he would fuck over his voters. He'd lose the next election and would have to face an angry, upset Democratic Congress voting against him and removing him from office.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:36:59 GMT
No. 25544139
Trump voters are retards who won't understand and believe what they're told to believe. Trump can turn US intelligence he has into a huge cash flow and pay off his base even
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:38:05 GMT
No. 25544143
Trump voters are retards but they know what a Pink Slip looks like. They voted for Trump for one reason: Tariffs and trade protectionism. He can't do an Obama or a Clinton and get away with it. These people were already betrayed by Democrats once, they will go back if Trump proves Democrats right.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:38:18 GMT
No. 25544144
the dumb nigger thinks congress matters anymore, not worth the effort.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:38:52 GMT
No. 25544145
Trump can do a lot of things, like destroy the CIA or our foreign policy. Trump can use any manner of police to do whatever he wants domestically, so long as nothing new is built. But these aren't money things. Money is controlled by Congress.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:40:41 GMT
No. 25544149
If Congress does not approve more money this month, Trump can't fund his government. If Congress doesn't approve enough money, Trump can't afford to buy the warships he wants from Korea. Trump won't be able to build nuclear weapons, or stealth bombers, or embezzle anything. He will have a ticking clock that counts down to 0 which is when mass layoffs occur and parts of the government stop working.
Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, and the USPS are at the front of this. Trump won't have voters if he can't serve them with bread.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:44:42 GMT
No. 25544168
congress will do what theyre told. Soon enough they won't need to be told.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:50:00 GMT
No. 25544182
Trump's faction of Congress has been through three leaders and it's debatable if there will be a fourth. There won't be a fifth. Trump can't even keep his coalition together, and he requires all votes to actually do something. Republicans can't agree on fiscal policy, and Trump won't create it for them. Trump, largely because of Musk, refuses to make a fiscal plan any Democrat could vote for.
As far as money goes, it's over. He can't authorize new taxes, his tax cuts won't be enough, and his proposed medicaid cuts will lose him Congress. There is no way out of this box but to concede and compromise, which he won't until the US Treasury starts bouncing checks.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:54:38 GMT
No. 25544198
its just sad reading this
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:55:31 GMT
No. 25544200
>If Congress does not approve more money this month, Trump can't fund his government
The house approved the Trump budget a few days ago. I see no reason why the Senate would reject it
It is sabotage and chaos to hide the traces of their heist.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 05:26:57 GMT
No. 25544754
This, Bernds and other assorted retards think that Drumpf and his chronies have some sort of maquiavellesque plan to rule the world.
They're corrupt businessmen, they're going to milk the system for what they can, install people to keep their interests and then fuck off with the most money available.
It's always been said, the U.S. is like any other Latin American country except white(ish).
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 05:30:05 GMT
No. 25544764
You make it sound it's only up to them.
Vance will be the next president probably, if nothing goes wrong. He has a good chance to get experience, as he's shown to be capable of speeches.
He's not gigachad like Trump, but he'll do.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 05:33:52 GMT
No. 25544775
Not my problem.
You have to get a real job now, USAID whore
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 08:07:54 GMT
No. 25545221
>USAID whore
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 08:09:42 GMT
No. 25545227
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 10:12:47 GMT
No. 25545820
Lol elon and the zoomers doge squad are retards. Why did trump let this fucking incompetent fool take over?
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 10:21:10 GMT
No. 25545862
Because he paid him 300 million dollars.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 10:27:40 GMT
No. 25545889
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 10:30:25 GMT
No. 25545902
Fanboying Trump, Musk etc. has become as cringe as being woke.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 11:06:47 GMT
No. 25546069
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 11:29:03 GMT
No. 25546182
Convert to Judaism. Then do Aliyah. Join IDF. Root for Greater Israel.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 11:30:01 GMT
No. 25546190
>Fanboying Trump, Musk etc. has become as cringe as being woke.
How come this happened so fast?
My portfolio has considerably tanked. I'd consider myself at least a bit salty tbh
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 11:30:08 GMT
No. 25546191
There will be a World War Final staring in 2026. Imagine caring about "erections".
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 11:34:26 GMT
No. 25546216
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 11:41:23 GMT
No. 25546264
He tried 4 years ago.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 11:45:57 GMT
No. 25546301
Wholesome chungus Vance
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 11:47:48 GMT
No. 25546312
> americans won't use elections to sweep their shit under the rug any more
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 11:48:57 GMT
No. 25546320
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 21:42:00 GMT
No. 25550872
>retards are allowed to have hundreds of $B's to deploy in the global economy by the utterly ruthless Machiavellian masterminds that command the financial resources of the world
Your obvious retardation or craven groveling to your masters is unworthy of consideration other than to dismiss it as the obvious tripe it is.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 21:45:12 GMT
No. 25550913
Disregarding Trump's deployment by globalist forces is retarded. I am amazed that babby's first dissent is continually to label malevolence as stupidity. Do please graduate from misunderstanding the vicious attacks on civilian populations being implemented by controlled opposition politicians as anything but the deliberate and savage destruction of freedom and prosperity of civil society it is.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 21:52:50 GMT
No. 25551000
And if you have personal standards of decency that preclude being willing to genocide the majority of humanity, while also recognizing that very soon technological advance will enable large populations availed personal means of production to outcompete centralized and obsolete mass production, facilitating the greatest felicity that humanity has ever known, and prefer to become part of that movement that will utterly eradicate the evil and false Jewish supremacy criminal parasitic culture that has plagued humanity for millennia instead?
Remain a luddite and succumb to utter degeneracy if you are so devoid of self esteem to so degrade yourself, as you prefer. White men will instead surmount the seemingly impossible challenges we face that are in fact inevitably destined to succeed to destroy the evil that has impeded human felicity throughout history and create the paradise prophesied from the beginning.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:03:00 GMT
No. 25551103
Did he also predict that he'd be dood?
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:04:28 GMT
No. 25551119
Will trump even be alive in 4 years? He is like 90 years old.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:07:49 GMT
No. 25551144
I hate magatards almost as much as leftist. They have the same npc behavior, just with their own little cult.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:08:25 GMT
No. 25551152
>MAGA is like leftists please believe!!!1
you sound like a retard.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:09:01 GMT
No. 25551161
See already found one. The worst part is, this 89 IQ magatard is not even american.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:11:25 GMT
No. 25551183
>Winston Churchill, in composing a 1937 essay titled “The Infernal Twins,” addressed the relationship between Nazism and Communism:
>“Nazism and Communism imagine themselves as exact opposites. They are at each other’s throats wherever they exist all over the world. They actually breed each other; for the reaction against Communism is Nazism, and beneath Nazism or Fascism Communism stirs convulsively. Yet they are similar in all essentials. First of all, their simplicity is remarkable. You leave out God and put in the Devil; you leave out love and put in hate; and everything thereafter works quite straightforwardly and logically. They are, in fact, as alike as two peas. Tweedledum and Tweedledee are two quite distinctive personalities compared to these two rival religions.”
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:12:30 GMT
No. 25551198
Churchil is a retard. And what the fuck does maga have to do with nazism?
Is nazism when you send 6 trillion dollars to israel?
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:13:38 GMT
No. 25551211
Yes. Zionazis are a proven and actual component of the NWO.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:14:39 GMT
No. 25551221
Why would i care about some retardet nische ideologies in ukraine.
There is also anarcho monarchists and other paradox bullshit.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:16:59 GMT
No. 25551238
MAGA will drive UShitzil in the ground and China will clean up the pieces.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:18:07 GMT
No. 25551250
Maga will just make their billionaires very rich, and then not care.
They give no fuck about anything else but their companies and wealth.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:18:28 GMT
No. 25551253
Because your complaint made pretense to hand wave away the fact that fascist corporatism and Communism are essentially the same identical tool used by the NWO to eradicate the freedom and prosperity of civil society, which is well proved by your provably false pretense that Zionism and Nazism are somehow in opposition, which is utterly disproved by the entire Ukraine conflict that has been engineered in recent decades to facilitate the utter rapine of the HATO faction of the EU, your presumable guiding light and the masters to whom you grovel and genuflect as craven as a worthless toady can be.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:20:58 GMT
No. 25551268
Won't you be surprised when Chiner and MAGAts eventually reveal their mutual respect and admiration as poles of the multipolar global transition to a global technocratic totalitarian tyranny that is the actual goal of both parties you name.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:21:02 GMT
No. 25551269
What a retardet take on the horseshoe theory.
So its all disproven by the ukraine conflict, because they have literally 1 nazi kike? Are you retardet?
There is even slav nazis, and nazis in israel with a swastika tattoo. Humans are complex, and do sometimes retardet and paradoxical stuff. But this is not some widespread and common ideology.
You can't just make up in your head some retardet schizo drivel and present it as reality.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:22:32 GMT
No. 25551284
>1 nazi kike
Your disingenuity lays bare the pejorative intent of your blatant propaganda. Maybe that shit will fly on Plebbit. Please return there and rejoin the mindmelded cult you come from.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:24:17 GMT
No. 25551295
Your pic is about this very specific kike, who made his own little edgy identity.
You also can't just call things "reddit" and not deliver an actual argument. It should be easy for you to prove me wrong.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:26:21 GMT
No. 25551311
>Your disingenuity lays bare the pejorative intent of your blatant propaganda.
Do you pass your text thru AI to make yourself sound "smarter"? It just makes you seem pretentious.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:36:41 GMT
No. 25551375
Your continued pretense that Zionism and Nazism, in fact Fascism/Corporatism in every stripe and kind, are in any way not linked at the hip and that the global technocratic totalitarian tyranny being imposed doesn't use controlled opposition and divide and conquer tactics thereby to prevent popular resistance to the NWO seeking to grind humanity into the dust of history reveals either you zealotry as an ideologue dedicated to the Zionist faction, or your likely professional shilling of that tactic to the board here to maximize the incapacity of people to entertain serious discussion potential to surmounting these tactical mechanisms that are massively financed for that purpose.
This deception is in fact as ancient as Judaism itself, and probably older, and has demonstrably destroyed empires for millennia at least since the fall of Egypt, and probably Sumer and Akkad before that.
Today only luddites are sub 90 IQ morons can continue to remain unaware of tech advance that is eroding the financial mastery of centralized production, and the promise of distributed production and the redistribution of wealth that will entail promises to destroy the NWO and put you out of a job. Maybe learn some real skills like plumbing or something, and do something useful during the transition to a free world that will leave your masters in the dustbin of history where they, finally, and thankfully, belong and will be forever relic.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:36:48 GMT
No. 25551378
Fucking american presidents live a lot. Trump is the fattest I have seen though
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:38:17 GMT
No. 25551386
The resort to claiming everyone with a brain is AI suggests you yourself are a bot, or using AI to enable you to cope with actual people capable of understanding and using words.
Projection isn't something you only do in theaters, as you are doing it here very well.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:42:59 GMT
No. 25551424
You don't understand anything, its empty pretentious gibberish you write.
You can't actually form a coherent argument, but instead write like a faggot in hopes to make your sensless drivel appear "smart".
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:43:17 GMT
No. 25551426
>Projection isn't something you only do in theaters, as you are doing it here very well.
Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:48:31 GMT
No. 25551462
So your proofs is some pic of some protestors calling zionism nazism? Are you actually retardet?
Your pretentious word-salad screed reeks of a tinfoil-hat wanker jerking off to their own conspiracy fanfiction. Zionism, Nazism, and every -ism under the sun being joined at the hip?
Controlled opposition’s a tactic, not a fucking grand unified theory of history.
And what do nazi movements in ukraine have to do with zionism? You have them everywhere, look at for example the nazis in wagner group, or russia in general. Even brown countries like brazil or romania have nazi movements. You actually are psychotic. Egypt, Sumer, Akkad? You’re just name-dropping dead empires to sound edgy.
Either this is just retardet AI drivel, or you just psychotic and have no idea what you are talking about.
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:51:05 GMT
No. 25552281
>empty pretentious gibberish you write.
for you.
>a coherent argument
is far above your level of comprehension.
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:54:27 GMT
No. 25552298
obviously not. The 'american experiment' as they call it has failed, and this is it.
How they manage the united states of turkmenistan is yet to be seen. The fact they don't even recognise it and are so brainwashed by past american propaganda which is all totally overwritten now is bizarre. It's like harking back to the tsar in bolshevik russia.
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:54:56 GMT
No. 25552301
>some pic
you might note there are multiple pics spanning a gamut of the breadth of evidence, but, as usual, you use logical fallacies because you have no superior arguments, and cannot change your mind because it's made for you, so the only thing you can do is resort to logical fallacies, like minimizing the evidence against your position.
I'll accept your concession, because there's no point in continuing this conversation seriously with someone either incapable of serious discussion, or a paid shill that is making money by lying, and generally following a worn, tired, playbook intended to deceive anyone stupid enough not to recognize the same old tropes trotted out again and again by worthless shills.
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:55:31 GMT
No. 25552305
oh, the really important constant is still there though, total undying loyalty to israel.
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:56:01 GMT
No. 25552308
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:56:40 GMT
No. 25552313
Fuck off cryptojew.
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 05:02:58 GMT
No. 25552996
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 05:10:24 GMT
No. 25553007
you think those guys know AYNTHING about the people they hate?
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 05:54:05 GMT
No. 25553086
WTF how did KC turn into a democrat worshiping cuck club in just one night? Is it the same forces that were spamming HILDAWG "memes" before the 2016 election?
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 06:08:51 GMT
No. 25553131
It's been like this for the past year or so.
Show me three posts ITT or elsewhere where Bernd shows any support for Clinton or Biden or Harris. Just three will do.
This might difficult to understand with your feeble orc minds, but it is possible for the human species to hold more than one opinion on a spectrum of things.
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 06:25:50 GMT
No. 25553178
There are only two genders.
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 06:27:24 GMT
No. 25553184
right-wingers cant comprehend that. you are either democrat or republican, pro-pynya or liberaha
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 06:28:51 GMT
No. 25553188
>my theory of mind posits lack of theory of mind
a recursive "no you", good day.
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 06:34:29 GMT
No. 25553203
>Clinton or Biden or Harris
As a gullible uninformed rightwinger ork, I know nothing about the dealings of the mysterious Wect, however I though the democrat party consisted of more than 3 people
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 07:46:35 GMT
No. 25553343
proofs not provided, opinion disregarded
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