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Why Trump likes Putin so much Bernd Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:34:49 GMT No. 25543234 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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I know this is probably the 100th thread on the subject, but this is a real good analysis on Trump-Putin and Trump-Zelenskyy relations. I will tl;dr but you should still read it. 'Of the many bizarre and uncomfortable moments during today’s Oval Office meeting between Donald Trump, J. D. Vance, and Volodymyr Zelensky—during which Trump finally shattered the American alliance with Ukraine—one was particularly revealing: What, a reporter asked, would happen if the cease-fire Trump is trying to negotiate were to be violated by Russia? “What if anything? What if a bomb drops on your head right now?” Trump spat back, as if Russia violating a neighbor’s sovereignty were the wildest and most unlikely possibility, rather than a frequently recurring event. Then Trump explained just why he deemed such an event so unlikely. “They respect me,” he thundered. “Let me tell you, Putin went through a hell of a lot with me. He went through a phony witch hunt, where they used him and Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia, you ever hear of that deal? … It was a phony Democrat scam. He had to go through it. And he did go through it.” Trump seems to genuinely feel that he and Vladimir Putin forged a personal bond through the shared trauma of being persecuted by the Democratic Party. Trump is known for his cold-eyed, transactional approach, and yet here he was, displaying affection and loyalty. (At another point, Trump complained that Zelensky has “tremendous hatred” toward Putin and insisted, “It’s very tough for me to make a deal with that kind of hate.”) He was not explaining why a deal with Russia would advance America’s interests, or why honoring it would advance Russia’s. He was defending Russia’s integrity by vouching for Putin’s character. In recent years, the kinship between Trump and Putin has become somewhat unfashionable to point out. After Robert Mueller disappointed liberals by failing to prove a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia, conventional wisdom on much of the center and left of the political spectrum came to treat the scandal as overblown. But even the facts Mueller was able to produce, despite noncooperation from Trump’s top lieutenants, were astonishing. Putin dangled a Moscow building deal in front of the Trump Organization worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and Trump lied about it, giving Putin leverage over him. Trump’s campaign chair, Paul Manafort, was in business with a Russian intelligence officer. Russia published hacked Democratic emails at a time when they were maximally useful to Trump’s campaign, and made another hacking attempt after he asked it on television to find missing emails from Hillary Clinton. The pattern of cooperation between Trump and Putin may not have been provably criminal, but it was extraordinarily damning. Conservatives have invested even more heavily in denying any basis for the Trump-Russia scandal. A handful of MAGA devotees have openly endorsed Russian propaganda, but more Republicans have explained away Trump’s behavior as reflecting some motivation other than outright sympathy for Moscow: He is transactional, he is a nationalist, he admires strength and holds weakness in contempt. And it is all true: Trump does admire dictators. He does instinctively side with bullies over victims. He does lack any values-based framework for American foreign policy. But many Republicans who acknowledged these traits nonetheless believed that Trump could be persuaded to stay in Ukraine’s corner. They were wrong. The reason they were wrong is that, in addition to his generalized amorality, Trump exhibits a particular affection for Putin and Russia. Immediately after Zelensky left the Oval Office, Trump posted to Truth Social, “I have determined that President Zelenskyy is not ready for Peace if America is involved.” The clear implication is that the United States will cut off its support for the Ukrainian war effort. Trump’s allies have already tried to foist the blame for that momentous decision onto Zelensky. Trump “felt disrespected” by the Ukrainian leader’s body language and argumentative manner, White House officials told Fox News. “Zelensky was in a terrible position,” National Review editor in chief Rich Lowry acknowledged on X, “but he never should have gotten sucked into making argumentative points.” And, he added, “he should have worn a suit.” All of this ignores the much more plausible explanation of what happened today: It was a setup. Trump and Vance appear to have entered the meeting with the intention of berating Zelensky and drawing him into an argument as a pretext for the diplomatic break. Why should anyone have expected anything different? Trump has been regurgitating Russian propaganda, not only regarding Ukraine, since before Zelensky even assumed office. He defended Russia’s seizure of Crimea in 2018 (the year preceding Zelensky’s election), has repeatedly refused to acknowledge Russian guilt for various murders, and has even stuck to Russian talking points on such idiosyncratic topics as the Soviets’ supposedly defensive rationale for invading Afghanistan in 1979 and their fear that an “aggressive” Montenegro would attack Russia, dragging NATO into war. In the past few weeks, Trump has made very little effort to conceal his pro-Russian tilt. He called Zelensky a dictator, and when asked if he would say the same about Putin, refused, insisting, “I don’t use those words lightly.” (No president in American history has used words more lightly than Trump.) He said Ukraine “may be Russian someday” and blamed Ukraine for starting the war. The U.S. even joined Russia, North Korea, and a tiny bloc of Russian allies to vote against a United Nations resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The less damning explanations for Trump’s pattern of pro-Russia positions have all collapsed in the face of evidence. One line of defense, hauled out by Republican hawks to explain away Trump’s consistent efforts to undermine NATO, is that Trump actually wants to prod Europe into spending more on its own defense. Like a tough football coach, he is merely berating his team to become the best version of itself. Except when European countries declared themselves ready to increase their defense spending to 2 percent of GDP, the level Trump claimed to have wanted, he upped the demand to 5 percent. More recently, he advocated for the election of the right-wing, pro-Russian, anti-NATO AfD party in Germany. That is a strange thing to do if your goal is to push allies to stand up for themselves against Russia, but a perfectly sensible position if your goal is to undermine the anti-Russia alliance. Republican Russia-hawks hoped they could bring Trump around by getting Ukraine to sign a deal handing over a portion of its mineral wealth to the United States. Instead, Trump announced that the mineral deal was dead. This, too, would be a strange move if his motives were purely transactional, but a very understandable one if his motives were to abandon Ukraine to Putin’s tender mercies. Even today, Trump’s bullying commenced well before Zelensky had opened his mouth. Trump greeted his counterpart on the White House driveway with condescending mockery, pointing at him and telling onlookers, “He’s all dressed up today,” like Bill Batts in Goodfellas belittling Joe Pesci’s character. (“Hey, Tommy, all dressed up!”) Zelensky’s attire—the Ukrainian president wears military attire, not a suit, to remind the world that his country is at war—has been a fixation on the right, and conservatives have seized upon it as a pretext to blame him for Trump’s anger. Oddly, they did not seem to mind that Elon Musk showed up at the White House this week in a T-shirt and baseball cap. Might Zelensky have gotten a different outcome by taking Trump’s abuse and stream of lies with more self-abasement? Sure, it’s possible; if you reason backwards from a bad outcome, any different strategy is almost axiomatically smarter. Zelensky had no good options at the White House. He walked into an ambush with a president who empathizes with the dictator who wants to seize Ukraine’s territory. Everyone who spent years warning about Trump’s unseemly affinity for Putin had exactly this kind of disastrous outcome in mind.' https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2025/02/zelensky-trump-putin-ukraine/681883/
Total posts: 34, files: 12 (Drowned at Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:29:56 GMT)
Bernd Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:35:27 GMT No. 25543237 >>25543765
tl;dr Trump doesn't intend to bolster Europe or NATO, he unironically wants to undermine NATO in favor of Putin and there's nothing Zman could do about it.
Bernd Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:37:51 GMT No. 25543258 SÄGE! >>25543264
>mutual trauma caused by the Democratic Party No. No. No.
Bernd Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:38:54 GMT No. 25543264 >>25543287
>>25543258 We are talking about Trump's perspective.
Bernd Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:40:36 GMT No. 25543281 >>25543533
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>>25543234 > Why Trump likes Putin so much Whats not to like ? Putin is totally based
Bernd Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:40:58 GMT No. 25543287 SÄGE! >>25543303 >>25543927
>>25543264 And that perspective comes from the imagination of some writer for the Atlantic.
Bernd Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:44:19 GMT No. 25543303
>>25543287 The man supported a literal coup because he felt he was cheated on by the Democrats. He also thinks the bad relationships was unironically because of Obama/Biden's incompetency. And he has not once said a negative remark about Putin. So yeah it fits.
Bernd Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:48:59 GMT No. 25543328 >>25543345 >>25543389
Maybe Trump just likes Putin as a man can like another man. No homo.
Bernd Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:53:18 GMT No. 25543345 (removed)
>>25543328 He does yes, but article in OP explains why he likes him to begin with.
Bernd Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:59:41 GMT No. 25543388
It's wild to me how any American can support Trump. He is selling out their country and is being totally retarded. Nobody besides himself, Elon Musk, some other billionaire cocksuckers and the enemies of America benefits.
Bernd Sat, 01 Mar 2025 23:59:44 GMT No. 25543389
>>25543328 He does yes, but article in OP explains why he likes him to begin with.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:04:14 GMT No. 25543420
Putin looks to have pederastic tendencies. Where are photos of Putin with lolis?
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:04:21 GMT No. 25543421 SÄGE! >>25543454
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I'm not reading none of that bullshit, but giving the title, Imma assume is burger liberal cope that suggests cheeto-man is some sort of homosexual.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:12:07 GMT No. 25543454 >>25543468
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>>25543421 not really it more or less suggests they just have had a few aligned interests and enemies at times and that Trump in general admires those he perceives as strong winners bullied by the same people he dislikes, also that Putin scratched his back in the past and now Trump wants to pay back the favor. Also >Being Mexican and staunchly siding with Trump/republicans Lmao, cousin fucker detected.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:14:30 GMT No. 25543468 >>25543514
>>25543454 Thanks to Trump the goverment is finally doing something about the cartels & our borders. Piénsale tantito, es gratis.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:23:52 GMT No. 25543513 SÄGE! >>25543582
I did not read that retarded soy garbage. Trump understands that his country fucked up big time by investing in that war they started. The damage outweights the benefits. He realises that it is better to do business with Russia instead of fighting it. There is also a China rivaling shartmerican world dominance and now it is dragged also in losing war. He is also realises that zlonsky is a warmongering bloodthirsty psychopath as well as everyone supporting his war efforts.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:24:10 GMT No. 25543514
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>>25543468 I see your point, but that remains to be seen. As I see it, our gov just goes full muh sovereignity on the issue. Meanwhile cartels might actually get stronger since US doesn't want to cooperate with Mexican anymore deeming it unreliable: https://oem.com.mx/elsoldemexico/mexico/trump-congela-109-mdd-para-combatir-el-narcotrafico-en-mexico-y-mejorar-la-seguridad-21436082 They have good reasons to think Mexican gov in unreliable - I will give you that, but it's a pipedream to say now Morena is "finally doing something about the cartels" and even more so to assume it's thanks to Trump.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:25:49 GMT No. 25543526 SÄGE!
Bullshit again
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:27:00 GMT No. 25543533 SÄGE!
>>25543281 Putin is charismatic leader and Trump likes charismatic leader. Zylonsky is a despicable goblin in trunksuit which explains Trump reaction to him. Also, Trump doesn‘t play the typical politicians game with all those pretending and fake behaviour. He is open and direct. That is why he slammed so much zilanskyi.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:27:41 GMT No. 25543540 SÄGE!
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:34:37 GMT No. 25543582 >>25543620 >>25543637
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>>25543513 Does this gypsy has nothing better to do? i see him shitpost about Ukraine every time I'm on KC. But okay, since we will never agree on the other issues I will just focus on the following: >He realises that it is better to do business with Russia instead of fighting it. to do so is to reverse the sea tides. It'd be like Iranians electing a president who pushes to get along with Israel and the US and just forget the whole Syria thing. At the end everything it'd amount to is distrust from the various factions which were previously supported and losing geopolitical leverage. Poccnr has no reason to trust sharts since such policy could be reversed any day, and poccnr invading Ukraine doesn't help in that regard.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:37:34 GMT No. 25543605
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>He is the author of Audacity: How Barack Obama Defied His Critics and Created a Legacy That Will Prevail (2017)
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:40:11 GMT No. 25543620 SÄGE!
>>25543582 You are literally a fucking beaner shitskin, lmao.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:43:39 GMT No. 25543637 SÄGE! >>25543660
>>25543582 Also, shitskin, every policy can be reversed. That is why you prove your intentions with actions. No one is talking about trust. Only such naive mexcrements like you would fall for that. It is all about business and money. Euramgutangs are not asked anyway since they are irrelevant and not sovereign or independent.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:47:06 GMT No. 25543656 >>25543664 >>25543728
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How much time do you have to write the entire Bible just to prove your point? No one is reading all of that shit (I have ADHD). On the other side, when Marco Rubio visited Guatemala almost a month ago, he basically told my government to put their shit together or we would receive le hecking tarifferinos. So now Guatemala has created a task force to guard our borders with Honduras and El Salvador (not that it will work anyway as our soldiers and cops have such low wages), and receive 40% more deportees than last year, which so far I have seen as several C-17 Globemasters have landed at our only airport for the past weeks. In return the Engineer Corps of the US Army would help in modernize our port at the Pacific and keep the foreign aid in place (fuck the rat bureaucrats from my government). I don't know what is the plan of the Mexican president, but she is well aware that you cannot put a front to the gringos without Mexico City getting conquered again like in 1848. That it all.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:48:27 GMT No. 25543660
>>25543637 >It is all about business and money. Yes and I'm pointing out business and money with russia won't happen under the current circumstances, trump will be cockblocked one way or the other.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:49:09 GMT No. 25543664
>>25543656 I didn't write it, I copy pasted it and then I tl;dr it because I realized no one wants to read a wall of text.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:49:13 GMT No. 25543665 SÄGE!
Fuckin hell i hate fuckin journalists and their retarded takes all the time. I wish they would all die
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:54:51 GMT No. 25543691 (removed)
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:55:47 GMT No. 25543695
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everyone loves Putin
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:02:22 GMT No. 25543728
>>25543656 That's very interesting, I didn't know that. Mexico gov has no intention of making a front against cheeto gringo, and you can be sure that'll never happen for pretty much the same reason you stated. Our gov just diligently replied that the best way to solve the issues concerning both of our countries is through cooperation instead of sowing rivalry, which is a fair thing to say. But if gringos insist on treating us as rivals and disregarding the gov, then, uh, our powerless gov will... will... maybe impose tariffs too lol.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:10:13 GMT No. 25543765 >>25543794
>>25543237 The faction behind Trump is somewhat more sane but in the end, if he publicly commits to something that's the tune they'll have to dance to.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:15:35 GMT No. 25543794
>>25543765 It goes both ways. Trump has to make some concessions too and think of national interests. "Making deals" is all about reaching a middle ground with others, althoug he does intend to use as much leverage as he can to fullfil his goals and he has already made up his mind and his intentions long ago.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:16:59 GMT No. 25543798 >>25543803
After reading this text I was 100% sure the author was a jew, and voila: >Jonathan Chait >Chait is the son of Illene (née Seidman) and David Chait. Idk you can spot them just by their whiny writing style alone.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:18:09 GMT No. 25543803 >>25543818
>>25543798 Jews have no intentions to undermine Trump and he has made it very clear he backs Israel 100%.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:21:03 GMT No. 25543818
>>25543803 Juice are not a Hive Mind. A lot just tend to be psychotic more. Like me.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:42:36 GMT No. 25543927
>>25543287 Is there a witchhunt against Putin in Russia?
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