Ok, I might as well.
So, it should've been brought down to 1 charge if I have to be honest about this but they gave me 3 charges, 2 for "violent resistance of arrest" and 1 for "aggravated flight". I wasn't, in fact, driving away from them in an attempt to obscure drugs or anything illicit I was actually very tired when this happened and I wasn't sure what was going on. I hadn't slept in several days prior. I had just wanted to drive to the store (at the speed limit btw) and get some things so by the time I noticed the police were following me I parked inside the marketplace. At which point they told me to get out and that I was "resisting arrest" even though I had parked eventually and was following their instructions. So, after, I got down and they handcuffed me. When this happened they were being very aggressive with me and handled me very roughly, put me against my truck and asked me the typical questions I guess but then other questions too when I gave them answers that didn't satisfy them. Because I wanted this to be over with, I just told them I was autistic thinking this would free me but it didn't because after they laughed and said, "Well why didn't you say so??!" in a tongue-in-cheek way.. then I asked if I could be freed and they said something like, "No you have to calm down" or some shit as if they were playing with me. And I couldn't calm down because they were staring at me the whole time very close at which point I think I said 'Help' very loudly and they responded with something strange like, "Yes we're going to help you!!"..
This is when I had an outburst because I've had previous very bad encounters with police but that I didn't get in any serious trouble for, but it was in the back of my mind, and it was strong enough.. these memories.. to create this outburst of mine where I yelled at them very loudly about these previous injustices done to me by police and so this caused an altercation where they dragged me to their car where in the process I tried to refuse going in their car and had kicked one of them. This is when they told me that they couldn't free me and that I would be imprisoned because of it.