>sit down
<im kind nervous
>please dont move
>you are on the edge of an river walk-
<what river?
>it doesnt matter, its completelly hypothetical
<how came i be there?
>maybe you were fed up, maybe you wanted to be by yourself, who knows
>you look down and you see a tortoise, its crawling towards you
<what is a tortoise?
>you know what a turtle is?
<of course
>its the same thing
<i never seen a turtle, but i understand what do you mean
>you reach down and throws the tortoise onto the river
<do you make these questions yourself?
>the tortoise sunks into the water like a rock, disappearing completelly
<*high pressure heartbeats
>the tortoise desesperatelly tries to crawl out of water for air, but it cant. not without your help
>and you arent helping
<w-what do you mean im not helping?
>i mean you are not helping. why is it?
<*high pressure heartbeats
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 02:57:40 GMT
No. 25535894
it can swim.