Nah, here in germany the people that are crying about climate change are the same that have no problem spending unlimited money for ukraine and military.
Nobody has explained to them that war causes Co2 emissions.
The very idea as seeing a war as legal or illegal simply confounds me. Like, watching people attempt to communicate with the moon or some shit.
>>25533201>What was the point of starting the EU if not to counter U.S. hegemony?
EU becoming a superpower and a rival to US is one of the best outcome scenarios and therefore - one of the least possible ones
You are welcome to fight and kill Russians right now.
Help the fight against oppression. I really hope you do this. Tell your friends as well.
It would actually be a pretty ebin 5D chess move if the whole thing was setup by the EU to signal their break off from the US and Zelensky was sent as their agent to embarass Trump infront of the world.