that is good advice, but my problem is also that, i assume due to anxiety of social interactio, my mind becomes blank kind of like you know on a exam when you get nervous and suddenly forget your own name or what day of the week it is or something like that and cant remember no matter how hard you try, and now amount of alcohol fixes this, and so i just have a blank mind, no thoughts at all, so i can only reply to what other people say, i cant say anything myself because i literally dont have a single thought in my head, and my memory completely switches off, like to the point where people, for example, ask me how long i've been in the country and i cant remember when i arrived so cant calculate, or something like that. given that, conversing with people becomes really awkward and unpleasant (for other people). you would probably say that maybe this will go away if i were to talk to people every day and get used to it, but there are two problems with that - people dont want to talk to me te second time after the first time, so i have no one to talk to, and also i've been socializing a lot more lately but it doesnt seem to improve so far