the jury onion doesn't matter in the court, at least in the angloamerican court
judge only takes it into consideration as an example of public onion or something
this is another time you're thinking of how hollywood presents it, and not how it really works
the Judge is the Court
that can be stretched to the judge's job, but in completely other aspects, than the lawyer
most cases of shitty lawyers would be dismissed by the court secretariat, it's practically impossible for some dumbass to go in the court room as a lawyer
getting anyone magically notguiltied is a hollywood fantasy, that you bought like a trueth nigger
lawyers are not permitted to forge evidence or testify untruthfully, and it's not their job to do crimes to let the nigger go
it's your gang's job, if you have one
if the gang does not have your back or is too dumb to do anything but threaten the victim relatives, you're fucked by design
italian mafia was so powerful, because they were helping each other to forge evidence, they had whole neighborhoods of people, who had felony charges hanging upon them, with the evidence laying in the mafia boss's secret stash,
under that threat they could pull anyone at any time, make them testify about anything, make them produce any evidence they wanted, make them work and pay share of their income to the book keeper, make them always turning a blind eye on everything
and respect meant a lot, since mafia beneficiaries did not wanted to look abusive to their neighbors and cause an uprising, on the opposite, they were solving a lot of problems for the involved small folk, they would give out emergency loans free of charge and send gifts to marriages and births, improve local hospitals, and never use it in a criminal way, having other doctors for bullet wounds
it's called "mob" because everyone was in on it
niggers have no concept of respect, if they would get a stash of blackmail evidence of everyone in the hood doing this and that, they would just go around demanding money, which would quickly end in them being shot and the evidence stash destroyed
even if niggers would have some kind of a group, they're all focused on hollywood crime schemes, that are designed in a way for nigger to get the term and then work for the private italian prison for life