I've started using goose fat after reading about the seed oil jew, it really seems to cause sanser.
But I can't make my parents stop buying it, poloid kitchen revolves around the worst one - rapeseed, which is the most sanser you can get from seed oil and those old boomer dumbos can't help but buy it despite me even buying them expensive olive oil that's a lot less harmful
Chinks and other asians use soybean. They are smarter than schizo white hippies who think soy beans make you gay and vaccines cause your dick to fall off.
So I trust chinks, anything they do is a good example to follow.
Right! Remove seed oil, insert baby oil. Then, remove animal fats, insert baby fats.
Fast food joint are gonna smell like burning daycare centers. I have no idea what the endgame is, but my mouth is already watering.
My gf only cooks with olive oil. It's expensive as fuck and I keep telling her about the low smoke point but she insists because of exactly the same reasons.
You're a brown gypsy from India.
No triple bog can ever change that. You are brown and you will die brown. People laugh at your brown skin and your brown heda.
I just read about it and apparently the kind we use (extra virgin, like this germ) is supposed to be good for cooking. So maybe she's right.