>Reporter: Do you still think Mr. Zelenskyy is a dictator?>Donald Trump: Did I say that? I can’t believe I said that. Next question.
how can you not love this guy? kekarooo
Total posts: 20,
files: 3 (Drowned at Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:39:43 GMT)
he knows exactly what he said, and it was to pressure zelenski which worked, because basically 2 days later he agreed to a slightly different plan
it's been discussed so extensively even during his first term
come on, it's just his style of negotiations
seriously, I can't understand why so many people don't get it - there are characters like this irl around you
nah, man
I met some top businessmen and salesmen, so all of them had their schtick to 'come close to people'
well, Trump's is saying he has the best things on sale
funny thing is that they all do it naturally
If you're trying to convince me that Trump is incharge of all his faculties and plays mind games beyond our understanding, that's a futile effort.
>>25525170>some dude says something stupid about you>you go after him with all you've got>he caves in>you say 'who me? after him? no way?'
as I posted earlier, it just beats me how you guys don't get it
you really have no such people you met irl? the op Pole seems to understand this