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Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:49:50 GMT No. 25524342 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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GIBS are being cut off for the illegals
Total posts: 90, files: 15 (Drowned at Fri, 28 Feb 2025 18:55:25 GMT)
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:51:17 GMT No. 25524358
foodstamps for illegal alien farm workers is pretty much government subsidizing the farms with extra steps and while damaging the society
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:51:48 GMT No. 25524365 >>25524367 >>25524380
so no more talk of $1mil per nigger reparations?
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:52:08 GMT No. 25524367
>>25524365 seems like nigger isnt trendy anymore
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:52:22 GMT No. 25524369 >>25524377 >>25524379 >>25525169
>remove gibs for proles >corporate welfare and the rich get more 10/10
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:52:39 GMT No. 25524372
Inb4 egg price 3 dollas.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:53:23 GMT No. 25524376
the spic-nig cycle is the only thing holding up the American economy at this point
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:53:25 GMT No. 25524377
>>25524369 well well well look at that ball
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:54:12 GMT No. 25524379 >>25524387
>>25524369 it's gibs for the rich owners of farms and foor processing cmopanies if they can pay below living wages, they take more profit while govenrnet feeds their employees
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:54:12 GMT No. 25524380
>>25524365 soon, the niggers will have to pay reperations. and if they can't it's time for the fields!
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:54:48 GMT No. 25524384 >>25524417
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be brown - arrive to USA - FREE EVERYTHING
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:55:05 GMT No. 25524387 >>25524398
>>25524379 It is a broken system where every step is subsidized instead of paying people properly.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:56:28 GMT No. 25524398 >>25524402
>>25524387 Is not broken is by design to make people slaves instead of independent Just like EU farmers are dependent on gibs because they made farming so expensive
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:57:01 GMT No. 25524402 >>25524409
>>25524398 EU outright pays farmers to produce less food
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:57:54 GMT No. 25524409
>>25524402 sure now fuel up the tractor with taxed fuel and not a single grain would be harvested
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:00:01 GMT No. 25524417 >>25524428
>>25524384 Yes. And they compare themselves to euro colonists who got absolutely nothing upon arrival.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:01:12 GMT No. 25524428 >>25524447
>>25524417 lol they do ?
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:03:41 GMT No. 25524447 >>25524599
>>25524428 Yes. It is their go to argument for illegal migration.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:03:49 GMT No. 25524448 >>25524486 >>25524547 >>25524837
you need a social security number to get gibs I don't see how illegals were getting benefits and I've never seen proovs of it either.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:06:07 GMT No. 25524469 >>25524477 >>25524543
>>25524342 USA is such a mem country. How the fuck did people without papers even get gibs? You just roll into USA beurocrat building and say gibs me summa dat?
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:06:56 GMT No. 25524477
>>25524469 Illegals even enroll into schools and universities for free.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:08:00 GMT No. 25524486 >>25524502
>>25524448 Literally retardet reddit argument. They do recieve benifits from ngos that the government finances. They get benifits. You don't need social security for that.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:09:57 GMT No. 25524502 >>25524507 >>25524515 >>25524529
>>25524486 >ngos that the government finances Fucking doublespeak. If you are funded by the government you are not an NGO.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:10:36 GMT No. 25524507
>>25524502 Well, thats the way it is.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:11:42 GMT No. 25524515 >>25524526
>>25524502 State governments give them gibs, not the federal one.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:12:08 GMT No. 25524520
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Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:12:25 GMT No. 25524526
>>25524515 But at same time federal gov give money to states, so...
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:12:39 GMT No. 25524529 >>25524542
>>25524502 the create NGOs give them tax money so they can operate without oversight from the state
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:12:57 GMT No. 25524530 >>25524551
Illegals can't get GIBS, you need an SSN for it...
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:14:10 GMT No. 25524542
>>25524529 >ging away state money to organisations without oversight That's just corruption.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:14:13 GMT No. 25524543 >>25524560
>>25524469 >How the fuck did people without papers even get gibs? In USA federal law sasy that it's verboten to be illegal but in progressive run cities this law is ignored, police does not catch obvious illegals, and if they catch an illegal for some other crime, they do not report him to immigrations it's mindboggling that cities can ignore national laws openly
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:14:54 GMT No. 25524547
>>25524448 they hand them out like candy to non citizens same in sweden
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:15:03 GMT No. 25524551 >>25524566
>>25524530 Wrong.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:15:25 GMT No. 25524560 >>25524569 >>25524656 >>25524812
>>25524543 That's not how it works, unless there are laws saying noncitizens can get gibes, then you can't. I think what they mean here is that recent asylum seekers won't be able to be put on gibes, not illegals in general.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:15:55 GMT No. 25524562
listen here you fuckhead.webm
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Lol and when Latvians dont give rights to our illegal sovok aliens suddenly all the pro russian shills cried out every time on KC
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:16:23 GMT No. 25524566 >>25524574 >>25524582
>>25524551 My sister is a social worker in a liberal state. You literally can't be approved without proof of citizenship, and there is an interview process also.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:16:49 GMT No. 25524569 >>25524587
>>25524560 "several studies have indicated that immigrants tend to use emergency departments (EDs) as their primary source of care at the expense of primary care. This may place an additional burden on already overcrowded EDs" https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4129805/ 2. "7 percent of all public school students (3.2 million) are from illegal immigrant households and that they account for about 29 percent of all children from immigrant households in 2021. Due to the ongoing border crisis this number is almost certainly higher now" https://cis.org/Report/Mapping-Impact-Immigration-Public-Schools https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1994_California_Proposition_187 Illegals do get benifits. Proposition 187 got overruled.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:17:14 GMT No. 25524574
>>25524566 There are more benifits than just social security you retard.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:17:15 GMT No. 25524575
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Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:17:47 GMT No. 25524582 >>25524596
>>25524566 Well the number is specifically 32 billion in housing, food, and debit cards for nyc illegal immigrants is well documented by the media. That doesn't include the Medicaid and food stamps.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:18:23 GMT No. 25524587 >>25524595 >>25524645
>>25524569 Trump never said anything about overturning those, he said FOOD STAMPS, which they can't get in the first place. They can't get normal insurance also, so that's why they use the ER. And public school lunch depends on the school district, not the state or federal goverment.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:19:21 GMT No. 25524595 >>25524602
>>25524587 They can get food stamp. Sorry but you are 100% wrong.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:19:24 GMT No. 25524596
>>25524582 Like I said, "illegals" they're counting the recent asylum seekers who are here technically legally because biden brought them here. How do they calculate if someone is using a fake SSN and a real one?
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:19:49 GMT No. 25524599
>>25524447 Perhaps the subhuman poor spics. When I go there I will work my ass up to earn enough cash and live my golden years as a richman.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:20:03 GMT No. 25524602 >>25524611 >>25524620 >>25524631
>>25524595 I'm sure some german knows more than someone who works as a social worker, believe whatever they tell you on alex jones, buddy.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:20:52 GMT No. 25524611 >>25524630
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>>25524602 https://www.elcajoncollaborative.org/uploads/1/4/1/5/1415935/myths-immigrants.pdf Just because you live there doesn't means you are educated. Not even leftist media is able to deny that illegals get foodstamps.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:21:01 GMT No. 25524613
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everything is free in California
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:21:58 GMT No. 25524620 >>25524628
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>>25524602 LMAO he jumps straight to ad hominem instead of making a rational argument. > Yeah well i live in AMERIKKKA so i know better Ok buddy.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:22:49 GMT No. 25524628
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>>25524620 hahahaha SHART
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:23:05 GMT No. 25524630
>>25524611 >California Nice try. https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/recipient/eligibility/non-citizen SNAP/Food stamps is a federal program, California can have their own program, but they can't use SNAP for food stamps for illegals.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:23:07 GMT No. 25524631
>>25524602 To work as a social worker you have to suffer from leftardation, a mental illness which distorts your perception of reality, leaving you unable to think rationally. It is a fatal disease leading to collapse of civilisation if left untreated.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:25:21 GMT No. 25524645 >>25524656 >>25524683
>>25524587 They can and do get food stamps. The way it works is this: - They enter the country illegally and then apply for asylum once they get here. - they get gibs while their asylum application is processed - They are here illegally, even though they have applied for asylum. The way it worked before Biden under Trumps Remain in Mexico policy was that they could apply for asylum but they had to stay in their country of origin (mexico or otherwise, its just called that) However, none of these people should be allowed to request asylum since the asylum rule is being incredibly abused. You're only supposed to be able to request asylum if you're being politically persecuted, but for some reason we allow asylum requests on absurd things like economic grounds. Its not even legal, but we for some reason do it. All of this would end if they just enforced the letter of the law when it comes to asylum requests and stop letting people say "because i'm poor I want asylum". That's absurd.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:26:49 GMT No. 25524656 >>25524680
>>25524645 >- They enter the country illegally and then apply for asylum once they get here. Yeah, that's what I state before, that the "illegals" they're talking about have papers to be here since biden brought them here. Typical illegals cant get federal goverment SNAP. >>25524560
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:29:09 GMT No. 25524680 >>25524689
>>25524656 They do not have "papers" since they were not entering and requesting asylum via a port of entry. The only paper they have is the asylum request itself which does not a legal asylee make. You're conflating an asylum request with legal status. We're effectively letting illegals request asylum, then through
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:29:18 GMT No. 25524683 >>25524707
>>25524645 >However, none of these people should be allowed to request asylum since the asylum rule is being incredibly abused. My sis had a funny story about this, she often asked the recent arrivals what they came here and most answered "I saw on tiktok biden was letting anyone in, so we came over"
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:29:54 GMT No. 25524689 >>25524714
>>25524680 My papers I meant, paper saying they can wait HERE legally without deportation, and seeing a judge can take up to a year.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:30:56 GMT No. 25524707
>>25524683 Of course. Then they visit the legal services paid for by USAID in part that give them free legal service to make their phony asylum request. They don't know anything about the asylum request. They get coached on what to say and so on. I know an actual asylum seeker whose life is threatened by the government of her home country, and she saw some of these shady lawyers paid for by NGOs before she settled on a real one.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:31:55 GMT No. 25524714 >>25524735
>>25524689 They are not here legally, and their asylum request does not guarantee their safety from deportation since they didn't enter and request asylum through a port of entry in the legal way.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:34:49 GMT No. 25524735 >>25524766
>>25524714 That's something I'd dispute, during the biden administration, they could not deport asylum seekers until the judge rules they can't be here. Idk how it is now. Obviously, they can be removed if they commit a crime, but waiting for a judge granted them some legal protections against being removed.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:40:27 GMT No. 25524766 >>25524812
>>25524735 That is patently false. You still don't seem to understand the difference between someone in the US illegally vs legally. An asylum application is not a legal permit to be in the United States. Its the same as if they requested asylum from the US while in Mexico. If they then cross the border illegally while already having a pending asylum request, they are not here legally. Federal judges enforce federal laws, and ther must be a federal law, even under Biden, to make that happen. The current and previous federal law, which has not changed. They enter illegally, even when trying to request asylum, they violate rule 8 of US code 13-25. That is a crime and they are subject to deportation.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:45:39 GMT No. 25524798
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but the scientists
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:48:51 GMT No. 25524812 >>25524828 >>25524884
>>25524766 I think you misread what I said, I said here >>25524560 "not illegals in general" There are two types of illegals, the new comers who ASK for asylum are different because they can LEGALLY get on SNAP. While illegals already in the country cannot. Now, asylum seekers are given some legal protections under both US and international law, while its not a gren card or visa, people who apply for asylum, either in a port of entry or after coming into the country, are protected from being deported while their application is pending. Under the INA and other international agreements, people seeking asylum, regardless of their manner of entry. The protections include protection from being deported until the case is resolved by a judge. I had to look up the exact laws, 8 U.S. Code § 1158 part of the asylum provision of the immigration and nationality act. specifically: 8 U.S.C. § 1158(b)(2)(C) & (d)(5)(A): Prohibits the removal of an asylum applicant while their case is pending, unless they are ineligible for asylum due to criminal activity or other disqualifying factors.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:51:12 GMT No. 25524828
>>25524812 Also, 8 U.S.C. § 1158(a)(1): says they can ask for asylum, regardless of their manner of entry, not just through a port of entry.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:52:03 GMT No. 25524837 >>25524848
>>25524448 If they don't earn gibs so why worry about Trump taking their gibs away? He will take 0 dollars from illegal aliens then, a big win for Democrats, support his trial then.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:53:04 GMT No. 25524844 >>25524891 >>25524896 >>25524957 >>25525057 >>25525723 >>25525857
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Even better
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:53:49 GMT No. 25524848 >>25524872
>>25524837 Because people are confusing illegals who have been in the country for years, and illegals who seek asylum. The latter do get GIBS.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:56:27 GMT No. 25524872 >>25524894
>>25524848 Don't illegals who have been in the country for years request asylum? I guess if they have entered from the border the US government can't have any idea about how long they have been living there.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:57:50 GMT No. 25524884 >>25524917
>>25524812 >There are two types of illegals, the new comers who ASK for asylum are different because they can LEGALLY get on SNAP. While illegals already in the country cannot. No. That is just not true. They cannot legally get on any federal assistance, which is why she is enforcing the federal law, in opposition to the Biden administration, which was actively violating federal law. Even the OP picture says "Brooke Rollins announced she will ENFORCE POLICIES to block illegal aliens..." What the Biden administration was doing was in direct violation of federal law. And your dumb ass still is citing laws against deporting LEGAL ASYLUM SEEKERS who enter a port of entry legally vs illegal ones. I don't know why you can't comprehend this. >Also, 8 U.S.C. § 1158(a)(1): says they can ask for asylum, regardless of their manner of entry, not just through a port of entry. Yes, as I said in my previous post, they can ask for asylum, but that doesn't make them legal. I know you think you're being clever by putting the code here, but you're missing the fact that APPLYING FOR ASYLUM IS NOT A FUCKING LEGAL DOCUMENT. Meaning they can apply, but they are still illegal, and the criminal act of entering the country illegally is enough to have them removed. Their asylum request will still be pending.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:58:12 GMT No. 25524891
>>25524844 Lol.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:58:25 GMT No. 25524894
>>25524872 For the past century, most illegals have just been Mexicans and they rarely claim asylum. Then during the biden administration, illegals coming from asia, africa, south america and central america started claiming asylum. Not sure what happened for that transition to occur.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 18:58:44 GMT No. 25524896
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>>25524844 Damn, people are really fucking tired of trannies if nobody is putting any resistence at all. Americans are all in on this one.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:03:26 GMT No. 25524917 >>25524941 >>25525032
>>25524884 You keep ignoring the fact i said they're NOT legal, do you even read? I said they get LEGAL PROTECTIONS from being deported. "(a) Authority to apply for asylum (1) In general Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien's status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title." >LEGAL ASYLUM SEEKERS who enter a port of entry legally vs illegal ones. READ the law, read nigga read, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ENTER THROUGH A PORT OF ENTRY LEGALLY to CLAIM asylum. They CAN enter the country ILLEGALLY and SEEK ASYLUM.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:07:10 GMT No. 25524941 >>25524986 >>25525061
>>25524917 > the criminal act of entering the country illegally is enough to have them removed. Asylum overrides immediate deportation, btw, until the court settles their case.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:08:48 GMT No. 25524957
>>25524844 >trans women will be raped to death will they really? what's the prison culture stance on mentally ill trannies?
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:12:37 GMT No. 25524986 >>25524990
>>25524941 And for this reason trump is getting around it in several ways. By using third-party countries like stay in mexico and expanding expedited removal. And also mainly deporting illegals with serious criminal offenses.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:13:20 GMT No. 25524990
>>25524986 BUT there are no MASS DEPORTATIONS of asylum seekers yet, because he cant get around the loophole fully.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:18:26 GMT No. 25525032 >>25525124
>>25524917 I think you're retarded. This is what I just said: >Yes, as I said in my previous post, they can ask for asylum, but that doesn't make them legal. I need you to understand that I understand that illegals can request asylum so you can stop saying it over and over again. The fact that they entered illegally means they are subject to deportation because they are committing a crime and violating US law. The fact that they have an open asylum request does not mean that the request is denied because they are deported (though it does mean that in practice). It means they have committed a crime and that crime is enough to remove the person requesting asylum. The ONLY thing preventing someone from rapid deportation, which is allowed and done by DHS, as an asylum seeker, is a credible threat hearing where the asylum seeker can prove that he is under credible threat of death if he returns, which is like a 10 day reprieve or whatever.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:20:59 GMT No. 25525057
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>>25524844 1- Become "trans" 2- Commit some light-medium crime, get arrested and go to female prison. 3- ??????????? 4- Profit. Now you have a harem of whores that you can fuck indiscriminately.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:21:14 GMT No. 25525061
>>25524941 Asylum is unconstitutional. Foreigners are not citizens and do not deserve the same rights. Kill them all.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:27:06 GMT No. 25525124 >>25525192 >>25525205
>>25525032 >but that doesn't make them legal. Your reading comprehension is terrible, I said over and over again I never implied they are legal. I said they have LEGAL PROTECTION from immediate deportation for breaking a law (crossing the border). Asylum overrides immediate deportation. >The ONLY thing preventing someone from rapid deportation, which is allowed and done by DHS, as an asylum seeker, is a credible threat hearing where the asylum seeker can prove that he is under credible threat of death if he returns, which is like a 10 day reprieve or whatever. No shit, that's how Asylum works lol. That's when the protection from deportation rolls in. There is such thing as expeditated removal which I said earlier and those who fail a credible fear interview do get immediately removed but those who are given a later trial are given legal protection from removal even if they did break the law. The way trump found a loophole in this, was the fact that they could wait outside of the US, in Mexico, before getting a trial but that only works because they had an agreement with Mexico. Now they don't, so trump can't physically remove them, just cuz they came here illegally. Idk what your point is, I'm going by precedent, which is why trump is only currently deporting illegals with a lengthy crime sheet. Is your point that they don't get legal protections from deportation? Because majority do, and won't be deported unless trump changes the laws drastically.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:32:08 GMT No. 25525169
>>25524369 Illegals are proles now? Tbh if that’s the way leftists think we need McCarthyite trials and executions
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:34:41 GMT No. 25525192
>>25525124 Also, guess I was wrong about them getting GIBS, pending asylum seekers cant get gibs only ones who have already been approved by a judge to be here.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:36:32 GMT No. 25525205 >>25525272
>>25525124 They do not have legal protection is what I'm telling you. They simply do not, not matter how many times you say they do. Even when you say "lol" its not true that they have protection from deportation. A person who is granted asylum cannot be removed unless the asylum is canceled. An asylum seeker can and regularly are removed, under Biden, Obama, and under Trump.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:43:46 GMT No. 25525272 >>25525282 >>25525705
>>25525205 You're confusing exceptions for the government being willy-nilly able to remove asylum seekers already in the US awaiting trial. They can be removed before they get a trial if they fail a credible fear interview, or if they commit a crime, or if they are subject to Expedited removal, which is what Trump is leaning on. He's expanding the definition of expedited removal to get around the legal protections afforded to asylum seekers. Generally, they cannot be removed and there are laws in place that protect them, like i said before: 8 U.S.C. § 1158/8 U.S.C. § 1231(b)(3) and the Non-Refoulment Principle. The Exceptions are not the rule, which is why trump is expanding expedited removal and making a fucking camp in Guantanamo or sending them to Panama. He can legally make them *wait* somewhere else, but cannot deport them back to their country until the trials are over.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:45:17 GMT No. 25525282 >>25525705
>>25525272 Trump wouldn't be doing this if he could just immedietly deport everyone back to their own country, if you think they have no legal protections, you should go tell trump he can just deport everyone immedietly.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:42:01 GMT No. 25525705
>>25525272 >>25525282 You are the dumbest motherfucker I've ever run across. EVERY asylum seeker who enters illegally is presumed ineligible according to BIDEN's rules in 2023. So all thes people seeking asylum are immediately revoked upon being found out they are illegal. This is a BIDEN ERA rule, and it was federal law before Biden started granting parole to illegals into the US. The ONLY people who can not be deemed ineligible are people who entered legally. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:46:18 GMT No. 25525723
>>25524844 elmao
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:55:31 GMT No. 25525776
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They illegally entered a country, why they even started getting free stuff to begin with?
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 21:05:33 GMT No. 25525844
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>>25524342 If they revolt within the boundaries of the US,...they'll be shot
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 21:07:09 GMT No. 25525855
That's good of course, but it should be coupled with immediately deporting these illegals, or they'll just go on a stealing/robbing spree.
Bernd Thu, 27 Feb 2025 21:07:23 GMT No. 25525857
>>25524844 transocaust
Thread interest score: 7.5 Thread size: 316.10 kB