I don't think they have to be thought anything. It's rather the opposite. Them being thought led to all this shit.
Other than throwing all doubts about unusual sexual practices out of the window (not biology teacher but sex ed people that came to the school), my biology teacher held a long speech about how the danger of cannabis was overblown and it's not that harmful for example.
Well real life proofed it's bullshit. I've seen people become dumb, aggressive, addicted failures from cannabis.
Every school should be torn down. A complete net negative. Math and physics is alright to a degree but after the basics they start teaching useless shit everyone forgets and never uses again the rest of their entire lives. And language lessons are terrible too. They just defile the languages they teach for the government. Look at all this gender speech. High schools and universities came up with it. People should be taught by their parents and by themselves and those who learn nothing that way were more or less hopeless anyway.