I am 38% German-American. How can I support my German brothers worldwide? Us Germans need to stick together. I want community! I have been learning a little bit of German to show solidarity. But there are so many liberals in Germany it gets discouraging. I want Germans to stick together internationally like Jews, Albanians, or Chinese do in Chinatowns.
Total posts: 11,
files: 3 (Drowned at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 00:33:23 GMT)
My great great great great grandfather fought in the Franco-Prussian war under Wilhelm I Hohenzollern. If not for my lineage there wuld be no Germany. citizenship + honour gibs wen?
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My last name is so unique, I can trace it back to the Roman Empire.
My ancestor was a magister militum in the Roman army. So if you are from a former Roman colony, lower your tone when speaking to me.