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Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 19:37:25 GMT No. 25486797 [Kohl] [Report thread]
deranged apu.jpg
62.51 kB, 540x422
God, I love living in the best of all possible worlds. Don't you just love being born into a world where you are born, not as a man with dignity and rights, but as a slave nigger-cow who exists purely to maintain a decaying, dying empire of slave nigger-cattle at the behest of our demonic, scale-skinned overlords so that the nigger-cattle can consoooooooom latest product and our overlords can make trillions of dollars in debt-profit and laugh all the way to cousin Mordecai's banks. I adore being thrust into institutional learning facilities, of the Prussian model, where I can have every single ounce of my soul battered and beaten by the jaded and embittered faculty and hurting - if not sociopathic - fellow classmates who see you only as competition and then molded into being a good little robotic slave nigger-cow who exists to work, work, work, and never have any time to become a true, full human being - that is not for the slave nigger-cow caste-race to ever want. I feel so great having to try and obtain the most worthless low-paying slave nigger-cow jobs when all the villages and towns are fucking dead, their inhabitants strung out on all manners of drugs rivalling the worst excesses of the hippies in order to cope with their miserable, redundant lives; and all the jobs are in the cities where you have to compete with the entire rest of the world because we are all one race, the human race, and therefore we are all no longer individual men but interchangeable economic units whose sole purpose is to fuel the industrial-capital hellfires that will horrifically consume us all in a way that would bring Old Scratch himself to joyful tears at his progeny's works. I really like it when I try to form honest connections with others of my kind, but all I get are the fish-eyed stares of the men and women who have long since died spiritually, and who only exist to be mindless, nihilistic hedonists who, again, live purely to consoooooooom in order to face the fact that they are statistically insignificant slave nigger-cattle, because all national identity, ethnicity, and culture has been thoroughly reduced to a godawful grey mass of mutt-brown and there is no salvation agaist being a . I thoroughly enjoy going to church, against all reason because our demonic overlords have seen to it that God has been so thoroughly murdered - yes murdered! - that there is no force up above in the heavenly realms, on this wretched Earth, or down below in the infernal realms that will ever bring him back, just so I can listen to spiritually dead slave-nigger cattle bow their heads and follow along with dead rituals to honor the memory of the one man who perhaps had a chance to bring about salvation for the select few slave nigger-cattle who were capable of higher tendernesses, but, as we all know, that was stopped in its tracks and it don't matter one damn bit whether you plant your flag with the pederastic inheritors of an empire whose religious traditions they maintain, with the codgers who are at least allowed to marry but have sold their souls to materialistic atheistic slave nigger-cattle who rule over the East, or to the charlatans who preach feel-good messages of incomprehensible avarice and materialistic hubris, who protest only against all reason and common sense, because our demonic overlords, in their infinite and divine wisdom, subverted that man's legacy as soon as he died on that ragged old cross. I love trying to find solace among the wyrd-net of the World Wide Web, but all you realistically get are nonstop advertisements blaring at you to just consoooooooooom latest product from soulless corporate hiveminds so that you can fill the spiritual void in your heart with meaningless shit, or bots of either LLM or biological makle talking past each other ad nauseam, speaking but never saying anything of value; and even if you do find a "community" of genuine individuals, you know that it's just fucking worthless to be invested in it because heartfelt sincerity always attracts the lowest of the unthinking, unfeeling slave nigger-cattle who cannot comprehend any higher thing and despise what beauty there is, because it reminds them of their distinctly ugly inferiority, and so they proceed to tear it down and destroy it, so that there may be no gods or masters, as the aforementioned demonic overlords laugh their asses off like the peanut gallery at a sitcom where the entire cast fails to realize they're the butt of the joke. I love being given typical slave nigger-cow responses when I ever try to address these issues. No shit I'm "crazy" and someone did "hurt me", I live in a nightmarish absurdist hellscape of industrial capital that humbles and humiliates the works of Beksinski and Bosch by making them real in a way that would make even the most seasoned executioner retch, turning all of its inhabitants into soulless husk slave nigger-cattle consoomers who graze upon the whole earth like locusts in Egypt - and by the god whom we all mercilessly killed, I'm just ready for the angel of death to slay the first-born already dammit - and no, I'm not going to "take my meds", "touch grass" or "have sex", especially because you said it, because none of that will fix any of this bullshit or the fact that all of us are slave nigger-cattle, and my brother and fellow slave nigger-cow, you don't raise 8 billion cattle if you don't intend to slaughter them for a grand feast. In short, this hell-realm exists purely at the whims of our demonic overlords who torment and torture us slave nigger-cattle relentlessly because they want to see us suffer and be miserable, purely because they get off on that orgasmic blissful sadistic high, and we are damned to an eternity of existence here unless we're able to manage some form of escape into the higher realms, but that won't happen for the vast majority of people because, again, they are damned to innumerable lifetimes being miserable low-down slave nigger-cattle forced to prodooooooooooce and consooooooooooom for the sakes of our demon overlords' pocketbooks so they can fuel the hellfires of industry in a never-ending recursive cycle that can only end in tragedy (as if anyone gave the remotest of fucks lmao) and if you don't think this is greatest goddamned system in the best of all possible worlds, then you need to go to le therapy and get help - as if there were any need for the blind to heal those with sight!
Total posts: 17, files: 4 (Drowned at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 04:53:22 GMT)
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 19:39:11 GMT No. 25486801
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 19:42:05 GMT No. 25486810 SÄGE! >>25486872
not reading that essay
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 19:42:21 GMT No. 25486813 >>25486872
kot question.jpg
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Who are these demonic lords of our specifically?
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 19:57:58 GMT No. 25486872 >>25486953 >>25487119
>>25486810 I figured there would be one glaze-eyed, dull-minded, spiritually-dead slave nigger-cow in denial of the situation at hand who would refuse to acknowledge the truth because, "uh, like reading is hard and stuff?? That means I have to like, think for myself and shit dawg." I will laugh at and mock you when our overlords take you in for the slaughter. >>25486813 So basically most everyone in any position of power has made a deal with the Devil to get there (because that's the fundamental necessity of obtaining power in this realm) and become - or have been possessed by - demonic spirits, who in turn serve the Archons. So essentially, everyone from your local area's representative up to the Rotschilds, Rockefellers and whatnot. You can check if they are because if you have eyes to see you can look at their left shoulders you can see the demon's head. Test it out with any old B&W photo with a clear background if you don't believe me.
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:15:52 GMT No. 25486929 >>25487005
Perhaps you should test that vaunted IQ your hubris so recommends to you by devising a plan to advance your interests, following through on it, and reaping the benefits of your inestimable superiority to your fellow nigger cattle and sadistic husbandmen? You are your judge, jury and executioner.
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:17:58 GMT No. 25486940
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:21:31 GMT No. 25486953 >>25487005
>>25486872 >demonic spirits, who in turn serve the Archons. What is this mumbo jumbo superstitious nonsense? Have at the data, take advantage of such replicable research as is available to you - which far exceeds your capacity to imbibe and wield understanding of, Niggercow, and blaze a trail to rational independence from mastes by adopting such means of production as are suitable to your personal circumstances. You appear to have no commerce with your fellows, to believe yourself superior in all ways to the Niggercattle surrounding you, as well as the deranged megalomaniacs ruling you, so outcompete them and produce a better world you are so certain you are capable of.
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:29:56 GMT No. 25486994 >>25487076
Being born as a serf in middle ages would suck more
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:32:04 GMT No. 25487005 >>25488281
>>25486929 >>25486953 My friend, you suffer from the three "nothings" of typical slave nigger-cattle: you have nothing inside your head, you have nothing between your legs, and you have nothing in the withered husk of what can only technically be described as your soul. Your posts have many words but they say very little, and what little they say would be infinitely more useful in being distilled down to pure copium to give to the slave nigger-cattle masses so our overlords can keep them safely numb and neutered. In any case, it is no use to heed your advice as it quite clearly comes from the brain-addled ramblings of a true moron.
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:40:09 GMT No. 25487049 >>25487057
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>moments before this post was made
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:41:20 GMT No. 25487052 >>25487076
You're just an autistic schizo moron, length of your post notwithstanding, your rage is meaningless
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:42:09 GMT No. 25487057
>>25487049 childhood memories triggered
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:50:51 GMT No. 25487076 >>25488281
>>25486994 At least a slave nigger-cow could escape his slave niggerdom by becoming a wolf-warrior and fighting to the death with his warrior-pack and slaughter his foes, and if he died it was no great loss as he would only come back to this realm. >>25487052 >autistic Jawohl. >schizo Slave nigger-cattle such as yourself, having been mentally castrated by his fellow nigger-cow "educators" and then thrown down to the levels of the most worthless blind idiot retard, use "schizo" as an insult to denigrate the few truthspeakers, unaware that your kind are merely agents of the slave nigger-cow/demonic overlord reptilian-demiurgic matrix. I earnestly pity you, for you know not the unfortunate truth that is in this world and seek to live in pure ignorance. As far as my "rage" goes, it matters not if it is meaningless, for edverything is when you are trapped under this matrix prison-realm system.
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 21:03:44 GMT No. 25487119
>>25486872 >nooooo you neeeeed to read my very smart text that is totally not shizo rambling, or else you are dull and stupid, only stupid people dont take delight in reading paragraph over paragraph of nonsense
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 21:07:54 GMT No. 25487130 >>25488281
mind=blown wmv.mp4
4.76 MB, 270x360
Bernd Thu, 20 Feb 2025 21:56:17 GMT No. 25487334
10.80 kB, 640x237
Bernd Fri, 21 Feb 2025 04:53:22 GMT No. 25488281
>>25487005 >it is no use to heed your advice Only because you're incompetent to do so. I have done it. All your protestations are bullshit. >>25487076 >At least a slave nigger-cow could escape his slave niggerdom by becoming a wolf-warrior and fighting to the death with his warrior-pack and slaughter his foes, and if he died it was no great loss LOL at OP's sekrit wolfy inner 'true self'. Do you think you can't do exactly that today? You're right if you don't think you can, because you're incapable of it. Not because it can't be done today. Lots of men do. But they're real men, not making excuses for their cowardice on the Gay Sea, which, you see, is where you are and what you're doing. There are no excuses. There are only reasons. >>25487130 This
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