even then, i would just get booze and weed or go to a concert or do literally anything else but to gamble the money away in exchange for blinking lights and upbeat music
gambling is the only addiction i dont get in the slightest. i can totally see how you cant stop watching porn, eating junk, doing all kinds of drugs, wasting your life in front of a screen, but i will never get how you get your kick from doing a stupid chance game that is always, no exception, rigged in favor of some asshole casino owner
just look at the boomers in vegas, and how they just sit there with dead eyes and mechanical arm movements. these people dont even have fun, i could get a better evening by converting 100 dollar to coins and throwing them at people
>You're spending $100 to poison yourself.
good molly isnt dangerous. and it is pure bliss, pure dopamine and serotonine, literally the only two chemicals that make your brain feel happy. every other drug, addiction or anything else supposed to make you happy is nothing but the pursuit of these two chemicals.