The executive order in question has to do with requiring agencies under the executive branch o government to report to the president for the purpose of audit.
The dishonest reading of the executive order says "only trump can interpret the law" which is not what it says. Here is the exact wording:
>President and the Attorney General, subject to the President’s supervision and control, shall provide authoritative interpretations of law for the executive branch.
Previously, those same agencies were left to their own devices when interpreting the law. That means the agency heads interpreted the law. If someone brought suit, this was still decided by a judge, as it still is.
Do you understand that independent agency heads interpreting the law is a bad thing for a republic?
The agencies under the control of the legislative branch were previously allowed to interpret the law, and the supreme court just ruled that this was unconstitutional.
You didn't real the executive order, you read the media reports.