Ach Bernd, it's worse. Right after germany was created in 1871 Bismarck invented modern socialism by creating the social laws, i.e. the welfarestate and the circular-ponzi-scheme pension system. At the same time he also created the policestate, by creating the so-called "socialist laws", which were used to oppress all and any dissent to bismarcks political visions. Soon afterwards germany started to genocide negroes in africa, and, fast forward, kinda started WW1. The Kaiser first wanted war, then he tried to make an U-Turn and prevent it, but his military just ignored his orders and started the war regardless. Germland lost the war, but not without ushering in the Soviet Union first, which soon afterwards became a real empire of evil, and showing communists how central planning is actually done. Because all central planners that came later have studied the german war economy during WW1, which became the model for socialist economic planning.
Oh, and by the way, Hitler was about as left-wing as Stalin was, and their main difference was, that Hitler was a believer in some retarded and factually wrong racial theories that were made up by some schizo guru during the late 19th century. I forgot it's name, but what nazis thought about race was schizo-tier crap.
Well, and then there's the Frankfurt-School, which also came out of germany. These were jews, granted, but they were GERMAN jews. Just like Karl Marx was german despite having jewish ancestors.