Yes I had sames but then one day it was too much and I blacked out from pure paranoia, people called ambulance and I had kind of a seizure. After that incident the fear that I am dying (alway thought something is wrong with my heart) and undefined fear of "something bad happening" never went away, it was present 24 hours a day. I was unable to sleep without pills and I developed schizo thoughts, moved furniture in front of my doors because I thought police comes and gets me (I didnt even have reason why). When I smelled something weird I was convinced muslim terrorists are gassing me or trying to blow up my house. It was pure hell and after a month I was really close to killing myself just so that I have peace from this torture. Luckily someone close to me put me in the mental ward and it got better from there but it took very long, a little bit over a year until it was almost gone. Weed can completely fuck you up from a single bad trip. Dont take this lightly Bernd, if you have these anxiety attacks regularily while smoking weed stop it now are do it very, very rarely.