That's exactly what a retarded illiterate nigger would reply. I'm sorry for your niece, Bernd.
No other word received the same kind of treatment as
Блядь did from retarded illiterate niggers. A word should not change its spelling with no change in its pronunciation because it is used as an interjection and not a noun. Nobody dares to write
Чорд instead of
Чорт or
Суке for
Сука just because they are interjections. Because that's fucking retarded. Too much retarded even for retarded illiterate niggers. (In Ukrainian specifically, this also violates one of its most basic laws - "як пишеться, так і читається", which is not generally true, but we should aspire to it.) But for some reason, some retarded illiterate niggers decided that in this particular word, they should write this word with the terminal sound quality loss baked into the spelling, but only if it's an interjection. No. That's not how spelling works, that's not languages work, that's only how retarded illiterate niggers work.