>Vance reminds me of a 4chan fren
Well, then please tell this 4chan-fren, that next time he's on a conference where security is the topic, he could give it a try to talk about security.
I mean, it's quite obvious, that hostile forces exist, that try to do psyops to make people angry about things that go in the false direction, and then radicalize and recruit them. Hostile intelligence agencies can only work with problems that already exist, and make them appear larger. And the best way to prevent that is actually good governance, which fixes problems and prevents new ones from forming. Of course, the current european leadership has failed to live up to that standards, and now they have to use communist terminology trying to prevent pproblems to blow up that they have created with their own incompetence, meanwhile blaming russia and jailing everyone who mentions these things. Meanwhile, actual freedom of speaking truth to power, even if power does not want to listen, i.e. absolute free speech without limitations, would have prevented these problems from forming, and these incompetent leaders from staying in power and thereby preventing more competent people from taking over.
That is his freedom-of-speech argument, only in such a manner, that it actually has something to do with security, and tries to alleviate a problem.
He could have also started with the second amendment, because people being disarmed causes them to be afraid of weapons, and this kill every martial spirit that might have once existed, which will later make it impossible to mobilize people in case of war. Today ukraine sends loads of people to the frontlines, who aren't able to shoot and to service their weapon, because it would have taken too long to properly teach them such basic skills. These people are militarily useless, and they would not be, had Ukraine a strong gun-culture and easy access to firearms. Thus, the right to keep and bear arms multiplies the military potential and usefulness of a country in an alliance, and therefore europe should not only increase it's military spending, but also it's potential, by allowing people to be armed.