And its as if I want some sort of one world global migration without borders. Like literally, Ethiopia is the opposite of that. Save for maybe Japan there is no country that has so stubbornly held on the right to define itself to the world.
Anglo-Jew greed, where the migration of Portuguese and Spanish Jews first to Amsterdam and then London was critical the founding of the US and the latter part of 200 years of Anglo-Jew hegenmonic Empire. And this was fueled by the slave trade, very much. The only place after Israel and the Kingdom of Himayar destroyed by the St. Emperor Kaleb of Ethiopia was the Juudensavane in the Dutch Suriname. IT was like literally a work-concetration-death camp run by Jews. Just like they wound run them in Bolshevik Russia, but I digress.
The vision for the entire Jew World, was a small ruling Anglo-Jew elite, a small (mongrel) white overseer class and then a mass of black and brown slaves lol. Based of course on no religion, then Talmudism in the top. lol. The only reason any good came out of the US was because real German, Scandianvian et Protestant moved to New England and the Mid West. People like Lincoln or Grant etc. But yeah, from the start America which maistly rebeled to keep slavery and was never founded on explicitly Christian Principles etc, has no state religion was only going to be co-opted by the Jews.
But yeah, lets circle to the original point. You calling me a nigger in the american contest is just beyond laughable. Yeah, they were literally just random people defined by this trait. Becaues, not UNLIKE YOU they are mutts created by this Jew-lead process. That destroyed all your hertiage to land, time and histroy itself.
I AM THE OPPOSITE OF BOTH YOU WHITE NIGGER!! Look at it!! Its in my genes. Ethiopia. Loook! You see the fucking Khoi Sand ancestry. And that ancestry from all the migrations from the Middle East that brought written language, farming etc, and which are the basis of now not a country, a state a nation, but a civilization entirely on its own. That still lives. This is literally blood and soil shit. And its great. This is what I want for Finland and Finns. And this is their right. That their culture, language, ways and people groups remain the masters of their land. And never be overtaken by a horde of jew led golemn and their fucking basketball hooping cotton picking other mutts - to whom they think they are superior to.