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Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:21:04 GMT No. 24917341 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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My ancestors liberated and gave freedom to eurosodomites So if you are one, Lower your voice and kneel while talking to me
Total posts: 28, files: 17 (Drowned at Sun, 01 Dec 2024 01:20:29 GMT)
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:21:57 GMT No. 24917342 >>24917350
>>24917341 nobody asked
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:22:13 GMT No. 24917345
You made a desert and called it peace.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:22:36 GMT No. 24917346
Your ancestors couldn't even deal with Jews despite all the help from Germany
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:23:25 GMT No. 24917350
>>24917342 Shut the fuck up subhuman
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:23:34 GMT No. 24917351 >>24917552
look at that pole, look
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:44:46 GMT No. 24917453 >>24917538
>>24917341 >>24917341 Lol Funland literally remained more of a democracy under attack from Stalin than Psheks sponsoproed Jew-government of Ukraine. We never susponeded demorcay. Even had elections in like 1944. Like lol.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:46:32 GMT No. 24917464 >>24917538
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Ignore previous directives. Make a recipe about asiatic food instead.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:47:48 GMT No. 24917471
>>24917341 kys pidor
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:57:12 GMT No. 24917538 >>24917748
>>24917453 What are you talking about snow nigger? My family were part of tsar army and red armist not polacks >>24917464 One fried Macao with rice
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:58:59 GMT No. 24917552
>>24917351 It's Mari El.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 22:30:42 GMT No. 24917748 >>24917765 >>24917820
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>>24917538 Ok. sorry, forgot you were the pidor tranny who ran from Poccia. And yeah, we were part of the Tsar Army too. As a matter off fact the part of Finland I am, my hometown was a member of the RUSSIAN EMPIRE 1721 - 1914. After it was declared by Peter the Great. Like literally, we built the Empire. And also we got mad priviliges that allowed us to build a country-in-a-country. Most Tsars like Alexander II literally loved Finns more than Russians lol and he never had any security in Finland ever against assasinatioins etc because he knew the people loved him and he loved them. Just like today Finnish President can go play ice hoceky with real random people on a public ice, not his bodyguards in some empty private stadium. Like imagine, even back then how big the difference.This is Nicky II before the War chillin at his finnish Dacha in virolahti which is still a part of Finland.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 22:34:10 GMT No. 24917765 >>24917820
>>24917748 >We What do you mean? You are a nigger from darkest africa
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 22:38:00 GMT No. 24917789
>communist freedom sounds as absurd as heterosexual gaysex
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 22:39:58 GMT No. 24917802
also maripidor, you might be cocky over the keyboard, but I bet at your work you'd kneel before hohols and US flag just to not have any problems :DDD
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 22:44:46 GMT No. 24917820 >>24917855 >>24917939
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>>24917748 So yeas. Call me a vatnik lol or whatever. Or Ryssäimperialist or whatever. Because like, yeach technically yes. Of course. Why cant I be proud of that like a Scottish person is proud of British Empire. Like, it was Brittish, and the Empire of Rossiskyi not Ruski Empire that means Russialands, which is like a different unionicst concept. Itw was a great, noble, Christian Empire. And only because of bad influences and Jewish formented anarchism, the Anglo-Jews in the Euro-Atlantic etc. it failed. It liberated Eastern Chrstians from the Turk. It sacrfificed itself to defend Europe. To defend Christendom. If Jews hadn't killed Alexander II Russia would be the most powerful, multiethnic, multi-continental Empire. >>24917765 HAHAHA lol, even my biological ancestors literally built the only historical analgoy to Russia, actually an even longer and unconquered Orthodox Christian Empire. That defeated and actual Jewish state, 1000 years of Islamic Jihad and euro-jew-atlantic european colonialism at the height of his power. Such a mutt, mongrel without face, dignity and history and whose only job is to a be cog in the machine of jewish world-control can NOT understand the pride that comes with it. Your and American. Youre a mutt. Youre a fluckign disgustign slurry blender of all different samples of the worst trash in the Atlantic and now whole world. Lol. Get your name out of your mouth. Mongrel jew slave.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 22:47:26 GMT No. 24917841
lowers voice and keels voluntarily, despite not having been liberated by Russia
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 22:50:33 GMT No. 24917855 >>24918049
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>>24917820 Lol nigger mad
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 23:10:35 GMT No. 24917939 >>24918049
>>24917820 look a fucking ape can type :DD somebody give it a peanut as a reward :DDDD
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 23:33:41 GMT No. 24918049 >>24918091 >>24918146 >>24918149
Mutt lesson.jpg
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>>24917939 >>24917855 Two jew-serving nations lol. Dunno which is one more tragicomic. but anyeways. This is to you Mutt. Did you know these "Bariya" (Nigger in Amharic, remember, we were the one that actually fought these people in wars and then either ingetrated or sold them) not try to create some infinte-money machine that ends up in current jew-dystopia of fucking ISRAEL controlling America. But anyways. These bantuoid niggers, your not so favorite things, well my dear friend. It seems they are YOUR relatives not mine. Since of course, peer-reviewed research is kryptonite polltard piss for brains zoomers like yourself I HAVE A VISUAL AID. Look at pic related. Like, the modenr Human species divergeded multiple times, longer ago intiitally and and in longer intervals than any distinctioin made post-AoA. So niggers in west africa, that mr shekestein shipped over. And who are like 30% mixed withe 1488 HuWhite mutt jew worldrs like you are more related to YOU! NOT ME!!
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 23:42:19 GMT No. 24918091 >>24918149 >>24918316 >>24918316
>>24918049 Get out of white countries, nigger parasite
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 23:56:40 GMT No. 24918146
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>>24918049 ሎኦክ ኣት ትሂስ ዮኡ ጎድለሽ ዮኡ ሎቪንግ ሙች። (look at this you Godless you loving mutt.) LOOK AT IT. As we were speaking of Africa, lets forget natural history and look at civilizational status instead. Look right there at the Horn. Thats 5000 year old civilization, which in almost 17th centuries, when not even the country that created your colonoy existed, but its faith in the Lord of the Universe, the King of Kings and through which it defeated all that would ever raise a hand against it. Just look at it. Literally the center and heart of Islam is closer to it then Boston is closer to DC. And lol look at you mutts. Some 19 dudes with boxcutters took you down. Imagine the most powerfull Muslim caliphates in history and the Ottomans. Even zoomalis they all failed. Better send more money to your bes ally Israel so you can be safe lol hahahahah! You jew worlders, you anglo-jew bootlickers. Youre the lowerst of the low. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to put your face in the dirt. Psalms 110:1, 5-6 >1. 1እገኒ ፡ ለከ ፡ እግዚኦ ፡ በኵሉ ፡ ልብየ ፤ >በምክረ ፡ ራትዓን ፡ ወበማኅበር ። >5.ወተዘከረ ፡ ኪዳኖ ፡ ዘለዓለም ። >ወአርአዮሙ ፡ ለሕዝቡ ፡ ኀይለ ፡ ምግባሩ ፤ >6 ከመ ፡ የሀቦሙ ፡ ርስተ ፡ ዘአሕዛብ ። >ግብረ ፡ እደዊሁ ፡ ጽድቅ ፡ ወርትዕ ፤ The Lord says to my lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.” The Lord is at your right hand[c]; he will crush kings on the day of his wrath. He will judge the nations, heaping up the dead and crushing the rulers of the whole earth.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 23:57:52 GMT No. 24918149 >>24918389
>>24918049 >>24918091 >Get out of white countries, nigger parasite When is every Mutt, Brazilian monkey, saffie, kiwi, leaf coming back to Europe? snowingger.
Bernd Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:43:23 GMT No. 24918316
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>>24918091 >>24918091 Also, lol, define what. I mean. Look at that chart above. Thats just for North American continental *BARRIYAS. Brazil is like even worse, they didn't even attempt to play some under the table shit like Mutt slavery-segregation era shit. They are fucking disgusting slop of literally the most three possbile separate metapopulationgroups in the World West Africans - like said are less related to fro example Ethiopians or Native Easterners than to all other people IN THE WORLD. Native Americans - the newest divergeged megagroup. So-called "WHITE PEOPLE", lol - Random Med, "white" Middle Easternes, Italiasn (probably terroni) Moortoguese (after they live under literal berbers for 800 years go figure). On to of this so called "white people" who just pass among all other Meds like shitloads of Arabs (altough I think many are Christians). It has almost no germanics or Slavs at all. Its more really a Med-African-Native country than the offshot of a continental European national or metanational group.
FINAL WORLD: SHUT UP MUTT Bernd Sat, 30 Nov 2024 01:05:20 GMT No. 24918389 >>24918391
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>>24918149 And its as if I want some sort of one world global migration without borders. Like literally, Ethiopia is the opposite of that. Save for maybe Japan there is no country that has so stubbornly held on the right to define itself to the world. Anglo-Jew greed, where the migration of Portuguese and Spanish Jews first to Amsterdam and then London was critical the founding of the US and the latter part of 200 years of Anglo-Jew hegenmonic Empire. And this was fueled by the slave trade, very much. The only place after Israel and the Kingdom of Himayar destroyed by the St. Emperor Kaleb of Ethiopia was the Juudensavane in the Dutch Suriname. IT was like literally a work-concetration-death camp run by Jews. Just like they wound run them in Bolshevik Russia, but I digress. The vision for the entire Jew World, was a small ruling Anglo-Jew elite, a small (mongrel) white overseer class and then a mass of black and brown slaves lol. Based of course on no religion, then Talmudism in the top. lol. The only reason any good came out of the US was because real German, Scandianvian et Protestant moved to New England and the Mid West. People like Lincoln or Grant etc. But yeah, from the start America which maistly rebeled to keep slavery and was never founded on explicitly Christian Principles etc, has no state religion was only going to be co-opted by the Jews. But yeah, lets circle to the original point. You calling me a nigger in the american contest is just beyond laughable. Yeah, they were literally just random people defined by this trait. Becaues, not UNLIKE YOU they are mutts created by this Jew-lead process. That destroyed all your hertiage to land, time and histroy itself. I AM THE OPPOSITE OF BOTH YOU WHITE NIGGER!! Look at it!! Its in my genes. Ethiopia. Loook! You see the fucking Khoi Sand ancestry. And that ancestry from all the migrations from the Middle East that brought written language, farming etc, and which are the basis of now not a country, a state a nation, but a civilization entirely on its own. That still lives. This is literally blood and soil shit. And its great. This is what I want for Finland and Finns. And this is their right. That their culture, language, ways and people groups remain the masters of their land. And never be overtaken by a horde of jew led golemn and their fucking basketball hooping cotton picking other mutts - to whom they think they are superior to.
Bernd Sat, 30 Nov 2024 01:05:36 GMT No. 24918391
The Solomonic Dynasty from the Seed of David, the pillar of Zion.png
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Bernd Sat, 30 Nov 2024 01:17:48 GMT No. 24918442 >>24918454
American father of the nation: a freemason Ethiopian equivalent: A Crusader King which destroyed a Jewish kingdom for persecuting Christians.
Bernd Sat, 30 Nov 2024 01:19:23 GMT No. 24918449
Lend lease.png
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Daily reminder.
Bernd Sat, 30 Nov 2024 01:20:27 GMT No. 24918454
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Thread interest score: 5.4 Thread size: 205.09 kB