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Bernd Thu, 28 Nov 2024 14:55:19 GMT No. 24908929 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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32.18 kB, 554x554
i realize now the difference between leadership positions and technical positions in leadership, you need technical knowledge to be able to correct retards, you need to find the retards, and you need to look over them so they actually work then in the end you still need to do stuff manually, and since its for multiple people, you end up working double. this is especially torturous for bernd-types and you dont even feel mighty and powerful, because in the end you still have your own commanders its really much better to have a little shitty gigasubordinate job with shitty wage, where you can just relax all day and pretend to work. its still shit, but at least its less shit
Total posts: 3, files: 1 (Drowned at Thu, 28 Nov 2024 18:52:47 GMT)
Bernd Thu, 28 Nov 2024 14:57:13 GMT No. 24908938
It depends on you. It depends on the job.
Bernd Thu, 28 Nov 2024 15:01:07 GMT No. 24908945
Footnik, did you get promoted to an officer?
Bernd Thu, 28 Nov 2024 15:04:10 GMT No. 24908959
378.13 kB, 2000x2528
Völlig frei davon war ein Ritter, der durch das Schauspiel Goethes zum Inbegriff spätmittelalterlicher Adelsherrlichkeit geworden ist: Götz von Berlichingen, der Ritter mit der Eisernen Hand, drangsalierte Kaufleute, erpresste Schutz- und Lösegelder, überzog seine Nachbarn mit Fehden und scheute sich nicht, aufständische Bauern anzuführen. Er tat dies, weil er sich als Reichsritter direkt dem Kaiser verbunden und ansonsten im Besitz traditioneller Freiheiten wähnte.
Thread interest score: 1.7 Thread size: 26.42 kB