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Bernd Thu, 28 Nov 2024 04:11:33 GMT No. 24906787 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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Hypothetical question for Sharts If it was raining and you saw your daughter with her friends while passing with car and you wanted to pick her up and then offer ride to other kids to go home would you / could you be prosecuted for kidnapping of child? How ridiculous laws are ?
Total posts: 20, files: 2 (Drowned at Sat, 30 Nov 2024 15:53:49 GMT)
Bernd Thu, 28 Nov 2024 04:12:30 GMT No. 24906793
Bernd Thu, 28 Nov 2024 04:13:22 GMT No. 24906799
Better call their parents first
Bernd Thu, 28 Nov 2024 04:15:10 GMT No. 24906804
Bernd Thu, 28 Nov 2024 05:04:56 GMT No. 24906931 >>24907015
>would you Depends on how far out the way the other kids are and if we actually know each other or I met their parents. >could you be prosecuted for kidnapping of child? Generally no. It would take a frankly absurd confluence of unlikely events for something like that to happen from the situation you described. All of which can be cleared up with a simple phone-call to the parents and guardians of the other kids letting them know what is going on. >How ridiculous laws are ? It's more about how ridiculous some cops and DAs are. They have the ability to bend non-crimes into crimes if they for whatever reason dislike you.
Bernd Thu, 28 Nov 2024 05:32:53 GMT No. 24907011
They would ask the child and witnesses such as the person's daughter if the child consented to the ride, aggravating factors such as forced confinement or assault or violence would be considered. Probably not
Bernd Thu, 28 Nov 2024 05:33:59 GMT No. 24907015
>>24906931 >It's more about how ridiculous some cops and DAs are This is how it works in Anglo-lands. Police and prosecutors can bend and twist anything to fit a narrative. You could bump into a police officer and be charged with assault, the police officers word will be taken as fact. Someone could punch you in the face and the police could say "not worth our time bye". Way she goes.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:16:52 GMT No. 24913512
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:19:37 GMT No. 24913518 >>24913530
The proper response is to call the police on all the kids for walking in the first place. Once the police finish shooting, they will sort out the living children and escort them home.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:22:26 GMT No. 24913530 >>24913537
>>24913518 there needs to be 3 seperate government entities escorting kids for checks and balances you need SWAT, CIA and Police doing it in case one of them decides to rape kids
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:24:44 GMT No. 24913537 >>24913541
>>24913530 The state has every right to molest the kids if they determine it in their beest interests. Surely there are studies and science behind the decision to molest the kids, so it is guaranteed to be safe and effective. In fact, if you don't let the state molest your kids, you are literally a fascist and a nazi, and probably voted for Trump in the first place.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:27:46 GMT No. 24913541 >>24913544
>>24913537 State knows whats good for your kids thats why they think its necessary for development of kids to be forced into little educational prisons to sit for 8 hours quietly while they are in their prime years bursting with energy Government is effectively working to tame this energy into wage slave patient obedience
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:29:22 GMT No. 24913544 >>24913553
>>24913541 And those whose energy cannot be tamed, they literally feed them amphetamines. Probably 10-20% of boys are actively ingesting amphetamines prescribed by state licensed doctors so they will sit still and comply.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:31:11 GMT No. 24913553 >>24913560
>>24913544 Yes and government is fighting hard from Amphetamines reaching our streets to kids dont get hooked on hard drugs !
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:33:52 GMT No. 24913560 >>24913564 >>24913566
>>24913553 The pipeline from amphetamine salts like adderall to methamphetamine is very real. Kids get off their adderall script and then find meth, which is adderall on steroids. Of course their brains are programmed to respond even more favorably to meth than the regular population.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:37:38 GMT No. 24913564 (removed)
>>24913560 just remember its not abuse if Doctor™ experts give them drugs because it was proven by science to work.... Of course being full of energy its called disorder that has to be treated with drugs In fact everything state doesn't is passed as law and psychologist adapt their studies around these laws So for example laws raise AOC so that mean psychologist have to adapt their studies to find how having sex below 18yrs of age is harmful because state said it. So if kid doesn't want to absorb useless bullshit for years on end with endless crap sitting in educational prison that is against law so in fact is psychological disorder and has to be treated with drugs so in this way we ensure to practice eugenics on kids to select only for predisposition ed one to obeying state
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:38:01 GMT No. 24913566 >>24913584
>>24913560 just remember its not abuse if Doctor™ experts give them drugs because it was proven by science to work.... Of course being full of energy its called disorder that has to be treated with drugs In fact everything state doesn't like is passed as law and psychologist adapt their studies around these laws So for example laws raise AOC so that mean psychologist have to adapt their studies to find how having sex below 18yrs of age is harmful because state said it. So if kid doesn't want to absorb useless bullshit for years on end with endless crap sitting in educational prison that is against law so in fact is psychological disorder and has to be treated with drugs so in this way we ensure to practice eugenics on kids to select only for predisposition ed one to obeying state
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:45:24 GMT No. 24913584
>>24913566 Just think, the US Department of Education was created in 1980. The US was #1 in education in the world in 1980. In only 44 years, we went from #1 to #24 in education. That is unprecedented. That's a statistic that is indicative of a major war or massive plague or otherwise civilization collapse. To go from #1 to #24 in a couple of generations, and only after the creation of the Department of Education. This is enough evidence to realize its being done incorrectly.
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 09:04:43 GMT No. 24913937
>>24906787 >Sharts >saw your daughter with her friends you cant witness them walking somewhere so you can pass by, it's always at some specific spot best case (for them walking anywhere) it's neighborhood, where they don't need your ride and can walk for 5 minutes, unltess they're too obese for any walking and their mobility scooter shortcircuited due to rain and their house flew away due to windy rain
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 15:36:09 GMT No. 24915452
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 15:53:48 GMT No. 24915514
>>24906787 On the USA children getting physical exercise is itself a crime
Bernd Fri, 29 Nov 2024 16:15:08 GMT No. 24915606 SÄGE!
>Hypothetical question for Sharts Kiss my ass shitskin
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