We need to accelerate Anglo puritan insanity into weird form of tyranny and restriciton where law is hell bend on protecting children to point of Government installing video cameras in bathrooms to save children from being raped
t. pedo
ughhh I think only reasonable thing is to charge children with production of child pornography because they exploited victim (themselves)
Also lets make sure to put them on life long sex offender registry for being pedophiles
t. anglo puritan logic
Hurr Durrr... I hate free speech. All my speech must be approved by my Zionazi masters. I live only to serve my betters. I only exist for their profit.
The only silver lining is that maybe this would stop the deep state from complaining about how the internet's not safe and we need more surveillance, but I doubt it'd help. Seems like retard alcoholic parents not being able to control their children means that we all get to suffer under new regulations. Also how would they enforce the child ban? All social media starts requiring you to send in ID? Yeah, that's not going to bite us in the ass later
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 20:50:44 GMT
No. 24905198SÄGE!
>>24905142>im fine with this because self-moderation is too complicated for my smol brain>i need the gov't to tell me how i should live my life and impose restrictions on me because freedom is over rated
>>24905194>maybe this would stop the deep state from complaining about how the internet's not safe and we need more surveillance
No, because the only thing this produces is digital ID, the very surveillance tech you want to avoid.
What will happen is that they'll ban kids, and require digital ID to go online. Then after everyone has submitted to digital biometric ID they'll unban kids.
This shit's so easy it's scary.
No. Glowniggers are the pedos. They are the blackmailers, the child rapists, the kidnappers and kid stealers. The Finders proved this back in the 1980s.
Faggot. I hope you open a bleeding fissure in your angus and bleed out.