what are the first three main laws of your constitution?
are you happy with them? what would you want them to be instead?
I personally prefer the american constitution over the german one.
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 14:56:06 GMT
No. 24897266
>The Republic of Poland is the common good of all citizens.
>The Republic of Poland is a democratic state under the rule of law, realizing the principles of social justice.
>The Republic of Poland is a unitary state.
nothing specific really
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 14:58:27 GMT
No. 24897282
Here would be my version:
>The Republic of Poland is the common good of all germans.
>The Republic of Poland is a democratic state under the rule of Germany, realizing the principles of Germany.
>The Republic of Poland is rightful clay of Germany.
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 14:59:14 GMT
No. 24897287
I said many times here on KC - if germany wants to integrate polan, I have nothing against. It would only raise my neetbux about 3 times and grant me the right for better medications. Are YOU going to pay for MY neetbux doe?
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 15:00:31 GMT
No. 24897296
>Are YOU going to pay for MY neetbux doe?
No, but we can enjoy Bürgergeld together and laugh about the Michel working for us while drinking beer at noon.
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 15:01:44 GMT
No. 24897306
They establish congress, the presidency, and the Supreme Court respectively. Or the bill of rights which would be 1. freezepeach 2. muh guns 3. no quartering troops in private homes during peacetime
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 15:01:47 GMT
No. 24897312
1 § All public power in Sweden emanates from the people.
The Swedish system of government is based on the free formation of opinion and on universal and equal suffrage. It is implemented through a representative and parliamentary system of government and through municipal self-government.
Public power is exercised under the laws.
2 § Public power shall be exercised with respect for the equal value of all persons and for the freedom and dignity of the individual.
The personal, economic and cultural well-being of individuals shall be the fundamental objective of public action. In particular, public authorities shall safeguard the right to work, housing and education and promote social care and security and good health conditions.
The public sector shall promote sustainable development leading to a good environment for present and future generations.
The public sector shall work to ensure that the ideas of democracy are guiding principles in all areas of society and protect the private and family life of individuals.
The public sector shall work to ensure that all people can achieve participation and equality in society and that children's rights are safeguarded. The public sector shall combat discrimination against people on the basis of gender, skin color, national or ethnic origin, linguistic or religious affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, age or other circumstances affecting the individual as a person.
The opportunities of the Sami people and ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities to maintain and develop their own cultural and social life shall be promoted. Act (2010:1408).
§ 3 The Instrument of Government, the succession system, the Freedom of the Press Ordinance and the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression are the country's constitutions. Act (1991:1471).
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 15:05:27 GMT
No. 24897333
fuck, the swedish constitution really is a TLDR-document that was made by and for bleeding-heart socialists.
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 15:09:36 GMT
No. 24897360
IMHO the US should officially become an empire, and force all it's colonies to adopt the US constitution, especially the bill of rights.
If this thread proves one thing, it's that gayropean constitutions are socialist shit and not worth the paper on which they're written. Plus, everyone wants protection from the US, and gain access to the US markets. Why not use that as a leverage to improve mankind by doing away with all this socialist shit? Right now the US doesn't even have to threaten with their military, they'd just have to cease to protect tyrannical governments that fail to respect basic human rights, such as the freedom of speech and the right (preferably duty) to keep and bear arms of all it's citizens.
>IMHO the US should officially become an empire, and force all it's colonies to adopt the US constitution, especially the bill of rights.
I wish. You think the kingdom will grant it's satellite states the same rights? Guess why Germany has exactly the constitution it has. To keep us small and weak and gay.
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 15:15:47 GMT
No. 24897403
Germland has the constitution it has because it's inhabitants are limpwristed faggot sheeple.
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 15:20:34 GMT
No. 24897431
Also: Hitler was a leftist
And if germs hadn't been faggot sheeple even back then, there would have been assassination-attempts on these faggot nazi politicians on an hourly basis by so many random individuals, that they'd have to take care to not cross each other's attempts. And the same would be the case with the socialists that came into power after 1945.
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 15:24:26 GMT
No. 24897444
Hecck, if germs weren't limpwristed faggots, killing socialist politicians and their goons would be a national pastime.
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 12:00:16 GMT
No. 24902250
>what are the first three main laws of your constitution?
Who THE FUCK cares.
Read the slop you posted.
These supposed "main laws" are violated all the time on a regular basis, systematically.
They aren't worth the paper they're printed on.
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 12:01:40 GMT
No. 24902258
In a hypothetical scenario of germany annexing poland, it seems unthinkable that poles would remain.
The minimum would be an expulsion of poles.
The maximum genocide.
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 12:03:56 GMT
No. 24902265
>are you happy with them?
No. I'm mad just thinking about the questions in the OP.
France - what are the first three main laws of your constitution?
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 12:10:35 GMT
No. 24902285
Article 1
France is an indivisible republic, secular, democratic and social.
It ensures equality before the law without distinction of ace or.
It respects all beliefs. Its organization is decentralized.
The law promotes rto electoral mandates and elective office, rofessional and social and social re
Article 2
The language of the Republic is French. The national emblem is the tricolor flag, blue, white and red.
The national anthem is the “Marseillaise”. The motto of the Republic is “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité”.
Its principle is: government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Article 3
National sovereignty belongs to the people, who exercise it through their representatives and by referendum.
No section of the people, nor any individual, may claim to exercise it.
Suffrage may be direct or indirect under the conditions laid down in the Constitution. It is always universal, equal and secret.
All French nationals of legal age, of both sexes, enjoying their civil and political rights, are eligible to vote under the conditions determined by law.
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 12:10:36 GMT
No. 24902286
Can german authorities force injections on people?
"Every person shall have the right to life and physical integrity" sounds good, but then it is followed by:
<These rights may be interfered with only pursuant to a law.
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 12:18:39 GMT
No. 24902313
Equality of the sexes is prominently stated in the constitution of Finland. You might think that the fact that military conscription only applies to one sex would violate this principle, but there's a clause in the constitution that specifically excludes conscription from the equality issue. I thought this is really funny. You get to pat yourself on the back for having principles. Eat your cake and have it too.
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 12:20:14 GMT
No. 24902316
>You get to pat yourself on the back for having principles. Eat your cake and have it too.
Oh yea, it's the same with equality in general.
Most people don't think but sometimes they do, so some justifications are available for why the students or handicapped people receive some advantages.
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 18:21:41 GMT
No. 24904285
>what are the first three main laws of your constitution?
you lie about yours
first law of your """constitution""" is
> "this document would be cancelled at the moment wect germany and east germany unites in one state, and a referendum would be done on establishment of an actual constution"
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 18:22:47 GMT
No. 24904293
I don't have a constituion
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 18:23:44 GMT
No. 24904301
the purpose of the document that you call constitution is to keep power in the hands of anglo saxons and away from Prussians
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 18:32:09 GMT
No. 24904366
Russian Constitution:
1. Russia is an eternal tyranny.
2. All speech is forbidden.
3. All expression and creativity is forbidden.
4. All hopes and dreams are forbidden.
5. All beliefs and opinions are forbidden.
6. Any thought about improving anything in Russia is punishable by death.
7. Everyone must call Russia "a democracy" lest they got Gulaged.
Or something like that.