No, he started his grift years after GG when it became apparent even to minusbrains that the real believers are done with it and everyone still deep in it does it for money.
First seething about sexy cosplay. Which I agreed with somewhat. Putting on a wig and a bikini is not cosplay. But on the other hand True cosplayer still existed/exist and the longer he ranted about it he came of as a tourist himself. Still, I sometimes watched/read him, because I was in the trenches of GG before and still sometimes look into that stuff.
He really popped of in popularity when he got booted from Cardgame cons where he was a semiofficial something (judge or progamer? I forgot). Because of that he ranted on and on how Wizard of the Coast went too PC.
Didn't take long before I unfollowed him on everything because he really "lost the plot". He became a bizarro Anita Sarkessian:
"Everything is PC, everything is full of SJWs (now woke) and you have to point it all out"