Lmao OP video is completely fake, all those glass shards flying around and those people standing there cheering. If it was real those people would have been shredded by glass
Watch the video again, pay attention to the speed and size of the glass shards flying towards the cameraman. I'm seriously suppose to believe not ONE person in that large crowd of people got hit? No, because it's a CGI video.
>>24882654>Is there a media blackout going on with what's happening in Lebanon right now? None of the big news channels are even talking about videos like this.
Haven't seen anything here. Is Lebanon part of the Great Israel plan thing?
>arabs stir up shit in kikeland<billion news stories>kikes stir shit up in arab shithole #999>j*urnalists are silent
who would have guessed
j*urnalists barely count as human and the only country who (somewhat) knows how to treat them the way they deserve is North Korea
when will mudslimes realize this is all the american evangelical christcucks' fault? they are the ones who enable israel because they believe jews are "sacred cows"
another retard with the retarded talking point. Evangelicals are just cattle farmed to white wash jewish influence. Your christian zionist orgs are just fronts. See its christians who demand it not us jews!
Watch christians demand anything else and see how that goes, abortion for example.