>one chance in life >It was rigged from the start and no matter how hard I try I keep falling back It's over isn't it.
Bernd you need to expand your portfolio, I suggest learning how to design industrial steel buildings.
Reading a book about squirrels rn, do you know their heartrate is around 150-400bpm, that is insane. Their metabolic rate is also 10-13x higher than the average animal's. They are energetic little furballs.
>gf got angry because I accidentally said nword I can't pretend to be a normie to get pussy any longer lads how do i acquire an autistic slightly racist gf
>smoke dope >activates survival instinct instantly having paranoia and racing heart like youre in the middle of a savanna whats up with weed and brain on the first times?
Americans are disgusting, subhuman animals with no dignity and morality at all.
my balls are so massive they orbit around each other niiiiiga i have broken so many fucking laws i dont give a FUCK
you are going to your local pub when this man blocks your path for not voting reform
Nobody is going to talk about Biden's four years in the future. If it comes up in a discussion people will pokerface and try to change topic.
Referring to Europe as a continent is perfectly fine, but treating it like a glorified panW*stoid nation or federation is gay and retarded. You share nothing in common with each other and will eventually all Just turn on one another. Armageddon will see the EU implode on itself before it becomes a caliphate. Truly it will be more tolerable to live in Brazil than Europe in the coming century.
are you a chad? do you think life is easier as a chad? since everyone is favorable towards genetic success breeds
I can't stop thinking that the woman who would have fallen in love with me was aborted in this timeline and that's why I'm alone, in another alternate timeline her mother didn't abort her and she grew up to fall in love with me, there I must be very happy but here I'm a failure, no doubt my aborted girlfriend would love me and I wouldn't be sad
I will start reserve training in May. My body will be ready. this excited about something f WAR!
remember to take your booster shot and say your daily prayer to science and doctors bernd.
canadian bacon is just pork loin soaked in salted sugar water for a few days >pork loin $1/lb <canadian bacon $4/lb how can i make money on this?
What shows do Russian highschoolers discuss other than the retarded internet trash?
Did anyone play the new Monster Hunter? Is it a fun game or the same mindless grindfest like the previous ones?
Omg I bought ice-tea while drunk before so I can drink ice-tea sugar drank now! Happy!
Are mapple m1 laptops still good in the current year? Bernd was thinking of getting a secondhand one with 32gb ram and 1tb ssd alternative is fixing his 10yo laptop by replacing the screen
I never leave this site tab open when im not using it actively if the police breaks in or someone comes inside my room and see it im gone niggas leave literal underage girls exposed on first page like its 2012 internet
I recommend that all Russophobes, when they demolish monuments to Pushkin and other famous Russian figures, erect monuments to Capybara. Everyone loves Capybara and if the political situation changes, the Capybara monument will not need to be demolished.
Just found out that I have Ehlers Danlos. I've always been able to do all these but turns out it isn't normal, lol
reminder that people who miss soviet union and soviet culture are considered extreme right wing under the modern world view
Lost an hour of my day today because of some bitch-ass "Daylight Savings Time" bull shit I hate this. Why can't they either make it permanent or stop doing it altogether? It serves no useful purpose
Your government issued GF has arrived, but she is transactional in nature, you can fuck her however you like, but only if she peggs you first with her horse cock strap-on. What is lörs?
well, I guess thats it Its going to be a Bernd life for me, no turning back at this point anymore
The ZOGfog is real guys I was out earlier and there was fog with particles in it. Now my throat has a burning sensation and im coughing
I want to translate songs of Suicide Boys to Ukrainian. Is there any AI that can do it right now? I don't mean lyrics, but voices. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSXg2swBmrY
Now what was the Orange Man's big announcement, hasn't he shat his pants for a day?
This story is kind of sad. She was manipulated by her friend. A manipulative and evil BPDemon who made her kill the other girl. The friend also had better lawyers so she got off easily. She lost her childhood and now she will lose her youth and beauty.
Is Finland the worst place in Europe? - Extremely poor in terms of purchasing power parity - Ugly, most settlements are crude commieblocks, many of which are abandoned - Only one niceish area, built by the Russian tsar and a German architect, in Helsinki - People are primitive and ugly, as well as lazy and entitled - Hyperfeminist - Hardcore Stalinist government
I have that strong manly need/urge to cuddle up in the lap of my slightly older female Hungarian coworker
open gay eye: >I can't do that I'm too retarded to have real time data grok: <I got access to all X in real time jew bros, did we get too cocky?
Being racist, sexist, homophobic and anti-science is literally causing White self-genocide now. Do better, White man. The future of the race is counting on you.
Why? GermanBernd get in here, what is this? roflmao
Thinking of visiting ans negress hooker on Sunday. Last time she gave me discount but she was so nice that I might as well pay the full price. Should I? I really feel bad about haggling with her. She is so hot. Huge tits and tall. I'm thinking about paying her a full price and then snuggling with her and ask her if she wants to give me a discount next time if I visit her again before she leaves.
>the world thinks it can win a trade war against THIS Idk about those guys but uh, I don't think that would be the wisest decision..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BRw1MmiRjo This guy's English is literally perfect and he talks the truth. Switzerland will continue to suck up the best whites from Europe, meanwhile countries like Germany will deteriorate into brownism. Rate demographics predictions
Once most scumbag Whites die in the bird flu pandemic and the military drafts I will be appreciated and will be treated like a king lmao. My White seed will be so precious then.