Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
R: 4 / F: 1

i crave candice owen to suck on

R: 3 / F: 2

In this thread: Poland

R: 3 / F: 1

Well, I'm a fed and I am looking forward to child sex. Where can i aquire it in this site?

R: 4 / F: 0

No more mutt wars Destroy EVROPA

R: 4 / F: 0

It's been almost 2000 years since this guy, whose birth we base history off of, has died.. and we know barely anything else about him save what was written in the Bible and a brief mention by Tacitus. So I have to ask, who really was Jesus and who do you think he was, Bernd?

R: 2 / F: 0

There were no planes on 9/11 >Look up "the were no planes on 9/11" on jewgle >"FIND OUT 10 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT NINE ELEVEN AND HOW IT HAS AFFECTED THE HOLOCAUST VICTIMS!!!" >"ALSO READ: WHY U SHOULD SPREAD UR ASS FOR THE BLACK MEN" >"ALSO READ: WHY YOUR TAX MONEY SHOULD GO TO ISRAEL" I hate this nigger cattle fagged up world

R: 2 / F: 0

Could the US military overthrow the drumpf regime and restore order... if things came to that do you think?

Should I become the beaner?
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Why shouldn't I?

R: 3 / F: 0

Drinking ans tea :D

R: 3 / F: 1

I am only Swede allowed to post frogs, all other Swedes must die.

R: 6 / F: 2

you are brown and gypsy

R: 3 / F: 0

Where is Mobnik? I wonder, does he ever feel guilt?

R: 2 / F: 0

Am I wrong thinking that the western elites will try to solve the massimmigration problem with a giant war? And Bernds will end up a collateral damage, because the western elites won't admitt that they just want to get rid of the brown people they themselves let into our countries. As it is, a war seems to be the only solution. They managed to off about 1 million Ukroniggers in just 3 years. You'll be forced to die in a cannon fodder regiment, next to Mehmet and Ufuk because western elites don't want to admitt that it is to get rid of Mehmet and Ufuk.

Is this you?
R: 2 / F: 1

Symptoms of poor anima integration: - moodiness - tendency to idealize women, and at the same time hating them - need for female validation - strong desire to have a girlfriend, often with unrealistic attributes, to the point of obsession - problems interacting with women, social anxiety - difficulty to express emotions - insecurity

R: 4 / F: 4

Free like a bird!

R: 2 / F: 0

Putting pizza in the oven because I am based like that, and disabled

R: 2 / F: 0

why can compositors make amazing epic dopamine pumping music when they do it for cinema and vidya but actual classical music is not so epic anymore? There are some pieces by dvorak and so on but they're uncommon

R: 3 / F: 1


Numb Feet
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Do you ever had numb feet. Are they great for walking around. Like on a hike they would not hurt that bad? You just float over the ground without feeling it? I only see benefits

R: 3 / F: 1

Elon Musk btfo

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Young couple had their pictures taken for Google Maps on different spots. This was denied to me.

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u r _ _ o _ n

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This is your appearance.

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This is your appearance.

R: 2 / F: 2

Is this true kohl?

R: 4 / F: 0

>Donald Trump orchestrated American occupation of Gaza so he can get troops close enough to blitzkrieg Israel and seize their nukes before they can initiate the Samson option It was all 4D chess.......he played us like a fiddle.............

R: 2 / F: 1

Why are russniggers so gay?

R: 3 / F: 1

It seens kc got ride of captcha. I can only conclude its because either kc webmasters or the people who maintain futaba managed to create some solution for stuff like automatic spam posting. What is it, though? Im very curious about the solution they used.

R: 4 / F: 1

How big iz da chance, that diz iz a little faggit?

R: 4 / F: 0

Decolonize Germany

R: 2 / F: 1

>Russia first! Russia first! Ukraine bad!!!!!!!! Seriously it's pretty funny that this guy is an elected president, what's funnier is he has supporters in the US What's even funnier is when this guy got elected for the first time the US anthem was played on KC XD

R: 2 / F: 0


R: 9 / F: 5

yo post the video where the pedohunter nigga is diddling the cute Asian chomo, and the nigga is wearing this varsity looking jacket with a wolf logo - post that video.

R: 2 / F: 0

the jew is once again victorious

R: 2 / F: 0

Polish is of course more Slavic. Theft is more accepted, people are more prone to violence. they will get their whole family if you disrespect one of them. they are shallow and value material possessions more than Germans. Most Poles would Whore out their own mother if it meant a new BMW and Addidas track suit

R: 4 / F: 1

Maryland Bernd I summon thee

R: 6 / F: 2

I see something brown and that is YOU

R: 2 / F: 0

hottest bitch on TV. EVER.

R: 3 / F: 0

What are the best settings (bitrate, sampling rate, number of channels) for storing voice in Opus format? It is necessary to have a minimum file size.

Furmosa Dacia
R: 2 / F: 1

The home dynasty of BESARABIA was founded by Turkic Cumans . Yes! He was Cumans origin ,which he shares similar assimilation fate AFTER Christianization like Cumans in Hungary (See Elizabeth the cuman). Or second Bulgar empire, See :Asen dynasty terter , shishmanids. BESARAB I . Father Thocomerius'[1,2] name is known from a diploma King Charles I of Hungary on 26 November 1332. The diploma refers to "the schismatic Basarab, son of Thocomerius, our disloyal Vlach." Original text Besarab, filium Thocomerii, scismaticum, infidelis Olahus Nostris") Tochtemir of vlach nicknamed Radu Negro was Cumans Turkic Toqtemir (Steel, hardened iron) Toqtemir was common Turkic name which his name sometimes mistaken with Tatar crimean Toqtemir who has decendent from Genghis khan bloodline. So Yes, Vlad the impaler Home dynasty BESARABIA was founded by turkic cumans.

R: 2 / F: 0

I was at the hairdresser and the hairdresser pressed her bobs against me

All psychiatrists should be lined up and shot.
R: 3 / F: 1

Bernds, what if I asked ChatGPT to help me create a terrorist organization based on the teachings of ONA and SPK?

R: 3 / F: 0

wtf why they don't just unite into one state?

R: 2 / F: 0

Imagine traveling back in time and telling your younger self that they will intentionally name a government agency after this retardet meme.

R: 3 / F: 0

my faggot kid keeps asking me for food and when I make it for him he refuses to eat

R: 3 / F: 2

There seens some kind of anomaly on this region. There are too many conflicts happening. Some of them are really fucked up. But what is it? I cant drag any conclusion of the root of the cause.

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i dont

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How do I convince American leftists that they need to become as fat and unhealthy as possible in order to make RFK Jr & Trump look like incompetent failures?

R: 4 / F: 0

Good morning we need moar Ausländer

R: 4 / F: 0

>sit down <im kind nervous >please dont move >you are on the edge of an river walk- <what river? >it doesnt matter, its completelly hypothetical <how came i be there? >maybe you were fed up, maybe you wanted to be by yourself, who knows >you look down and you see a tortoise, its crawling towards you <what is a tortoise? >you know what a turtle is? <of course >its the same thing <i never seen a turtle, but i understand what do you mean >you reach down and throws the tortoise onto the river <do you make these questions yourself? >the tortoise sunks into the water like a rock, disappearing completelly <*high pressure heartbeats >the tortoise desesperatelly tries to crawl out of water for air, but it cant. not without your help >and you arent helping <w-what do you mean im not helping? >i mean you are not helping. why is it? <*high pressure heartbeats

R: 4 / F: 0

The Jews (aka British royalty) are spraying the skies with something new. Everyone around me gets sick and now I have to work double effort because those vaccinated retards are affected by a new kind of le flu What do?

R: 2 / F: 0

Hate it when that happens. I just wanted to watch some racist videos.

R: 2 / F: 0

Ans months of presidency and this ORANGE FUCKING NIGGER has said ZERO about the UFOs. The american people deserve to know you lying cunt!

R: 3 / F: 0

Germany celebrates Carnival.

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Why are Romanians so obsessed with copper? Why not something more valuable?

R: 2 / F: 0

a couple days ago Alex Jones was outright threatening Zelensky if he doesn't run away to Paris he will be murdered

R: 2 / F: 0

Why are Ukrainian women like that?

R: 4 / F: 0

This toon makes me cry whenever I rewatch it

R: 3 / F: 1

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ah_LMYqd2CE Good morning, I hate women so much it is unreal

R: 2 / F: 3

Do you miss the days of the old internet? The days before social media and smart phones become very mainstream, and before asked 4chan forced you to do captchas/register or what whatever.

R: 2 / F: 0

In Swiss francs I trust.

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Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have no relation. She engages in frequent controversies, the causes of which are foreign to our concerns. It is unwise to implicate ourselves in Europe’s politics or collisions of her friendships or enmities. -George Washington

R: 3 / F: 0

how long does it take technically until all goyims are dead?

R: 3 / F: 0

How does one shame the promiscuous feminist whores?

R: 5 / F: 1

What pops into your head when you hear AI?

R: 3 / F: 1

i am incel and here is my price

R: 3 / F: 0

how do I start doing things for the purpose of sex, instead of enjoyment, if I do everything in my life for the purpose of getting women attention and having sex I will have cured the autismo how do I do that?

DISINFO: The EU has turned into the Soviet Union and launched a Ministry of Truth like in 1984
R: 2 / F: 0

Pro-Kremlin trope asserts the absence of freedom of speech in the EU, depicting it as a new Soviet Union that persecutes dissidents. The fact that there is a willingness to counter disinformation does not mean that the EU has a Ministry of Truth or that dissent and information are controlled as they were in the Soviet Union. Comparing Soviet dissidents to today's pro-Kremlin propagandists in the EU is absurd and could be seen as a form of negating of the crimes of the USSR. Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) are indeed a reality and the weaponised instruments of state actors like Russia represent a security threat. The EU along with its member state faces the challenge of countering them to preserve a space for democracy to develop without this pressure This was concluded in the first EEAS Report on Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference Threats. Furthermore, the EUvsDisinfo database has over 17,000 cases of disinformation from pro-Kremlin outlets, many of which target the EU. Accusations of censorship and attacks against freedom of expression are a recurring pro-Kremlin technique to defend the illicit actions of Russia’s state-sponsored disinformation outlets after Western authorities adopted measures against them. Claims of “interference” are also frequently raised to deflect any criticism of Russian authorities by international media. Read also relates cases such as: The EU calls any information it doesn’t like disinformation, or There are greater guarantees of freedom of expression in Russia than in the West, or The EU decision on Russia Today is a step towards self-destruction. https://euvsdisinfo.eu/report/the-eu-has-turned-into-the-soviet-union-and-launched-a-ministry-of-truth-like-in-1984/

R: 3 / F: 0

>Watch random LE ROMVN EMPVIRE video >The guy throws jabs at CHYNA and also thinks China and vietnam is the same and also that Romans were catholic The worst thing about being communist is seeing the retardation propaganda psyop everywhere like They Live.

R: 3 / F: 0

Give me one reason why I shouldn't eat a succulent little German, right now.

R: 2 / F: 1

i wish i was a normal kid, not asocial

R: 2 / F: 0

Somehow a tick arrived on my head. Does this look dangerous?

R: 3 / F: 0

What's your TNSS (Total Nasal Symptom Score)? Mine is 3. I just ran 3 km in the gym with someone's fan being on, and now my nose will be running and itching for the next 3 hours. 🐽

R: 3 / F: 2

The 1st minute of this Sperpentza video about South Africa is great: Killer Niggers enter white man's house to do their Niggerism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqTUkcpFmFw

R: 3 / F: 1

What does a Touhou poop hole smells, tastes and feels like?

R: 2 / F: 0

America is back

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you are brown

R: 2 / F: 1

trannies fired from NSA

R: 2 / F: 1

It's amazing how a heated exchange between two people can still turn everything upside down and affect millions if not billions of lives. It's like we're back to the 19th century.

"Teens" not allowed....
R: 3 / F: 2

.....without their Mommy or Daddy accompanying them Lol

R: 2 / F: 0

speaking truths 🔥

R: 4 / F: 0

guess i’ll have to wait until september to be able to post from my pc again mods dont reply on the irc chanel or on /admin/

R: 2 / F: 1

Would she be considered White in Brazil?

R: 6 / F: 1

I think smol mice could taste breddi gud :D Has any Bernd ever tried?

R: 1 / F: 0

Anybody left here whos intelligent enough to get all the starts in https://epicpikaguy.itch.io/n-step-steve-part-2 ? Judging by the thredas, I doubt it

R: 2 / F: 0

is it gay go fap tot his? a asking for af friend who might have fapped to this but he is nots ure

Opposite thread
R: 3 / F: 3

Post opposites itt A thin woman is the opposite of a fat woman A Brownbanian (Brown) is the opposite of an Aryanguese (White)

R: 2 / F: 1


R: 4 / F: 0

I just farted a fart so godawful that it smells like a shart (but isn't).

R: 2 / F: 2

Sinuses are fucked against I blow my nose and there is blood mixed with the mucus Thanks mom for your terrible genes

R: 4 / F: 1

1st picture, father of the current Ismaili SHIA Caliph, deceased former Caliph. Second picture, current Ismaili SHIA Caliph, blessed by ALLAH himself and his family, descendant of Ali the apostle in person. 3rd picture, last SUNNI MUSLIM caliph. Do I see a pattern here?

R: 2 / F: 0

How do we exterminate these subhumans? I'm fucking tired

R: 6 / F: 2

they are chemtrailing the shit out of zog against i thought drumpf and kenneder were supposed to stop this shit

R: 4 / F: 0

RIP. It was great when it was p2p.

R: 4 / F: 1

Omg the big showdown happening!

R: 2 / F: 0

You're in a room full of confirmed 100% clinical idiots. How do you relieve them of all their money and savings?

R: 2 / F: 1

New north American whiteness map just dropped.

R: 2 / F: 0

>Max Jakobson of Finland entered the race on 20 January 1971. Jakobson had taken a strongly anti-colonial stance, winning him the support of the newly independent countries of Africa.[11] He was supported by the United States and the United Kingdom, while France was troubled only by his inability to speak French >Kurt Waldheim of Austria was long rumored to be interested in the position of Secretary-General.[11] After losing the Austrian presidential election to the incumbent Franz Jonas in April 1971,[15] Waldheim turned his efforts to the U.N. Secretary-Generalship. On 16 June 1971, Waldheim called on the U.S. Department of State to make it known that he would be available for the position. Unlike Jakobson, Waldheim spoke French fluently and could count on the French vote. why are they like this?

R: 5 / F: 1

Good morning, losers.

R: 2 / F: 0

>do diet >lose weight >now look 60 years old Nobody warned me. Anyway, can I get my youthful looks back when I regain my weight?