>all men are created equal <doesn't explicitly define "men" or "man" Fucking idiots
Hello Bernard, I'm the mayor of Kohl, welcome to my office. Anything I can help you with today?
My tomatoes stems are dying for some unknown mysterious reasons. I feed it with yeast and cammomile tea. Still no results
>Azerbaijani national budget : 24.1 billion USD >Massachusetts Institute of Technology's annual budget : 24.6 billion USD Holy shit lol
Who's using the tranny OS now? MS is busy all day feeding you hormones and chopping dicks. https://lunduke.locals.com/post/5515411/leaked-microsoft-documents-reveal-effort-to-gender-transition-young-children
I have one thing to ask and accuse you: WHY AREN'T YOU UPPER CLASS? What holds you back? Why aren't you achieving success? Why aren't you rich and getting richer? Why aren't you superior? Why aren't you achieving? Seriously, what is WRONG with you?
Some random russian guy commented in one of my instacranco posts, how do I reply to him in an informal way, in russian of course, like "yeah, that's right".
What percentage of American posters are Scots-Irish regular Anglo Americans do you reckon?
Has Bernd ever though of writing a textbook? I can't think of a more monumental form of immortality in lieu of children or violence. It will be fed into LLMs iterating for generations.
There is an ongoing emergencies of Filthy little europoors NOT believing in the genius of our greatest ally (america) and its president (Trump) This has to change. Either you will cherish americas actions from now on, or face potential pre-pre-ban (I have connections to mottens)
Will the grobnik also have his "check" once the warpigs return from the grinder?
Tomorrow I have a date with a girl I mate on Fetlife. She's pretty good looking and very skinny. I'm pretty nervous but I think she likes me
heard this song a million times in the 90's and still never realized it was all about me
What exactly was Thomas Hobbes' political alignment? It's clear that he favors a strong state out of necessity but beyond that his political affiliation doesn't seem to be that specialized, as an author.
Thank God. The German car industry was saved by the coming war. Thank you Putin!
>"In just over one month, illegal border crossings have plummeted by numbers that nobody has actually ever seen before. It's much more than 100 percent."
If your capital doesn't have a downtown of SKYscrapers, please keep your voice down when you talk to me, ok? I only ask you for this
What if AI and robots do all the work. And humans just do a performative competition to decide status and who gets sex. It's the only way I can imagine the future. Because all jobs can be done by AI.
What is Bernd's opinion on Kyary Pamyu Pamyu? Does Bernd even know her?
These weird stains have been spreading on my arm in the last couple days, it doesn't hurt but up close it looks a lot like ruptured blood vessels
any other robots here that got fucked by energy drink consumption? clearly i developed gerd because of it, cant stop coughing, spit out yellow mucus, it hurts underneath the ribs. was drinking all of them the cheap and expensive ones, often times right after i woke up on an empty stomatch. chugged a lil monster energy nitro its so fuckin over and i never even did any drugs or alcohol or cigarates but funny little soft drinks got me.
me on the right Swissball who keeps telling me that I have to go back on the left
Why are boomers allowed to misogynistic and it’s seen as funny and charming but if a young guy does it he’s evil?
>one chance in life >It was rigged from the start and no matter how hard I try I keep falling back It's over isn't it.
Bernd you need to expand your portfolio, I suggest learning how to design industrial steel buildings.
Reading a book about squirrels rn, do you know their heartrate is around 150-400bpm, that is insane. Their metabolic rate is also 10-13x higher than the average animal's. They are energetic little furballs.
Americans are disgusting, subhuman animals with no dignity and morality at all.
you are going to your local pub when this man blocks your path for not voting reform
Nobody is going to talk about Biden's four years in the future. If it comes up in a discussion people will pokerface and try to change topic.
It really pisses me off when I make threads on here and no one responds, what the fuck is KC's problems?
Referring to Europe as a continent is perfectly fine, but treating it like a glorified panW*stoid nation or federation is gay and retarded. You share nothing in common with each other and will eventually all Just turn on one another. Armageddon will see the EU implode on itself before it becomes a caliphate. Truly it will be more tolerable to live in Brazil than Europe in the coming century.
are you a chad? do you think life is easier as a chad? since everyone is favorable towards genetic success breeds
I can't stop thinking that the woman who would have fallen in love with me was aborted in this timeline and that's why I'm alone, in another alternate timeline her mother didn't abort her and she grew up to fall in love with me, there I must be very happy but here I'm a failure, no doubt my aborted girlfriend would love me and I wouldn't be sad
I respect those who shoplift If you want something and can't afford it, just steal it.
I will start reserve training in May. My body will be ready. this excited about something f WAR!
remember to take your booster shot and say your daily prayer to science and doctors bernd.
In America we have a large shortage of housing so developers buy land in the cities and plan to build nice housing on it. But leftists in the cities actually block the construction of new apartments because they're "not affordable enough". Therefore the shortage of housing gets worse and the cost of housing goes up even more. Pic related is a massive development in a sparse areas of New York City, slated to have thousands of apartments and public green spaces. But the leftist city councilor of Queens killed it because it only had 25% affordable housing and she demanded 45%. Basically leftists demand the building have so many public giveaways that it can't be profitable so the building never gets built. They're scared of "gentrification" so they actively work to make their neighborhoods shittier. https://sunnysidepost.com/councilmember-won-urges-colleagues-to-reject-innovation-qns-draws-criticism-from-union-leaders-and-borough-president
What are some good adjustable dumbbells for working out at home tbh? Pullups bar just won't cut it anymore
canadian bacon is just pork loin soaked in salted sugar water for a few days >pork loin $1/lb <canadian bacon $4/lb how can i make money on this?
I'm thinking of fucking a street prostitute today, as my wife is going to meet a friend of hers so she'll be gone for most of the day. Please, Berdn, talk me out of doing this and just fapping and remaining sexually dissatisfied instead.