Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
R: 6 / F: 2

I am white European man. You are brown gypsy/Albanian from India.

R: 5 / F: 2

A what? Sand Nigger?

R: 3 / F: 2

I'm in the void. Nothing matters. It's strange here.

R: 3 / F: 0

These things are so fucking expensive

R: 6 / F: 0

Nights in white satin Never reaching the end Letters I've written Never meaning to send Beauty I'd always missed With these eyes before Just what the truth is I can't say anymore

R: 3 / F: 2

Day in day out for years on end. No end in sight.

In Kyiv, Ukrainian photographer Vic Bákin lenses youth and queer subcultures, and the scars of war
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R: 3 / F: 0

I just dont understand AI shills. Why not get AI to do manual labor? Why the resentment and hatred towards creatives? Do they not realize that one of these days AI will come for their jobs? It seems to them that everyone else has a useless job that will be replaced by AI but their job is not useless!

R: 3 / F: 0

Could you provide a list of websites where I would be able to order Femdom as a Service in every city in the world? I travel a lot and sometimes I have real problem with fulfill my masochist needs; especially in Asia.

R: 3 / F: 0

Do Japanese really eat the green part of the strawberry? Why?

R: 5 / F: 2

I look like this

R: 5 / F: 3

A thousand swords will clash Warfare our habitat Weak aside out-ward cast The bushido way to strongest passed We musnt tolerate Those who shant bear the traits calm of mind - still of blade may our cuts be swift throughout our days

R: 4 / F: 1

can the current state of the west right now be summed up as the result of what happens when the lethal dose of enlightenment and scientificism is reached on a race of peoples? christianity which, whether bernd likes it or not, was what his western ancestors thoroughly followed from birth to death, was utterly defeated by the isms, scientificism, feminism, egalitarianism, etc

R: 6 / F: 5

Humans had the chance to save castoroides from extinction when their wetlands dried up but they didn't. I would have domesticated them for the benefit of future ages.

R: 5 / F: 1

Imagine the blowjob

R: 2 / F: 0

All the good threads always die when I sleep and just woke up and over half the tabs I have on auto update 404'd.

R: 4 / F: 1

I am a king unfortunately born into a peasant family Surely someone can help me get back to my rightful station

R: 4 / F: 2

Have you ever noticed such things?

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Is it easier to get into space from your country or to Ukraine?

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I'm bored. What should I do entertain myself?

N U C U L A R !
R: 4 / F: 3

Have you ever seen a nuclear reactor from the inside?

R: 6 / F: 0

I wish Kohlchan had a board dedicated to Pure Love and nice things

R: 8 / F: 2

Shoe tapping is a great auxiliary rythm instrument, I like it.

R: 5 / F: 5

Imagine the ocean as the totality of existence, boundless and whole. Waves arise and fall, each seemingly individual, with distinct shapes and movements. From the wave’s perspective, it might feel separate, unique, or even isolated. But what is the wave made of, if not the sea? The wave doesn’t exist independently—it is the sea expressing itself in a transient form. Similarly, non-duality suggests that the sense of separateness—our "wave-ness"—is an illusion. We are not "in" the universe as distinct entities; we are the universe, momentarily shaped as individuals, but fundamentally inseparable from the whole. The sea is never divided by the waves it creates; they are one and the same. Imagine you’re in a cinema, completely absorbed in the movie. You’re laughing, crying, and feeling all the emotions of the characters as though it’s real. You forget, for a moment, that it’s just a projection on a screen. The drama seems so real because you're caught up in it. Now imagine suddenly realizing that no matter what happens in the movie—whether it’s a love story, a tragedy, or an action-packed adventure—the screen remains untouched. It’s always there, constant, unaffected, and unchanging. The screen doesn’t become happier in the joyful scenes or sadder in the tragic ones. It simply is. The “screen” is like the underlying reality, the essence of all existence—pure being or awareness. The “movie” is life as we perceive it: thoughts, emotions, experiences, and the sense of being an individual moving through time and space. The realization that makes people go "wow" is this: the apparent "you" watching the movie isn’t separate from the screen. The idea of being an individual separate from life is part of the movie. In truth, there is only the screen—always present, always whole, and already complete. When this is seen, it’s as if the "viewer" dissolves, and there’s just the effortless play of the movie happening. Life goes on, but it’s no longer taken personally—it’s just what’s appearing on the screen, free and unbound. Direct Experience Over Conceptualization: Non-duality isn’t a theory to be proven or disproven but a description of direct experience. It's about noticing that the sense of separateness is a narrative overlay, not an empirical fact. No Doer, Only Doing: For example, when walking happens, the sense of "I am walking" is an interpretation layered onto an impersonal process. The "I" claiming agency is like a shadow trying to take credit for the movement. The sense of "me" is just a mental construct—a pattern of thoughts, memories, and sensations that the brain organizes into the idea of an individual self. But if you look closely, there’s no tangible "me" to be found; there’s only a stream of experiences happening—thoughts, feelings, perceptions—but no separate entity controlling them. The "me" feels real because the brain creates a narrative center for survival and coherence, much like how it creates a sense of continuity in dreams. Just as a mirage appears real but has no substance, the "me" is a story overlaid on the raw, impersonal flow of life. When this is seen, it’s obvious that life was always just happening—without anyone "in here" making it happen. ''If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is: infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.'' -William Blake, 1757-1827

R: 2 / F: 0

Is there an AI to make portraits open their mouths wide and bring out their tongues, like waiting for your load?

R: 5 / F: 1

Drinkening ans juice.

R: 2 / F: 0

Gommunism. Why did people accept these Jews?

R: 4 / F: 1

Thoughts on Australia's Great Dingo Fence? <The Dingo Fence or Dog Fence is a pest-exclusion fence in Australia to keep dingoes out of the relatively fertile south-east part of the continent (where they have largely been exterminated) and protect the sheep flocks of southern Queensland. <One of the longest structures in the world, it stretches 5,614 kilometres (3,488 mi) from Jimbour on the Darling Downs near Dalby through thousands of kilometres of arid land ending west of Eyre peninsula on cliffs of the Nullarbor Plain above the Great Australian Bight near Nundroo.

R: 3 / F: 0

>Ukraine War supporting protestors demonstrate against Vance in Vermont <tranny flags and "We love immigrants" signs everywhere https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cdxqnxw6z73o The absolute fucking state of the pro-Ukainian lobby

R: 7 / F: 0

I want to have a lesbian GF that is only heterosexual for me

R: 14 / F: 10

Carry on my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Dont you cry no more

R: 3 / F: 1

Why do so many people neglect their glutes? Male or female, you're instantly 10x more attractive if you got big round firm glutes that just pop.

R: 3 / F: 0

wow this speaks volumes

R: 5 / F: 3

Catholics are above worldly affairs

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Why salmon is so expensived? WHy only shitty fak salmon and herring is cheap?

R: 3 / F: 1

Plane with 125 Afgani rapefugees landed in Germany today. Danke Merz!

R: 3 / F: 3

I can't tell you the suffering because the noise the mom making right now... Drinking a drank because it

R: 5 / F: 1

Imagine living in a city and raising a daughter in this feminist society of proud shameless sluts (aka fucking WHORES). Your own little daughter is influenced by all types of secular degeneracy. You raise your daughter just so she gets fucked by dudes. No wonder different civilizations genocided newborn females.

R: 4 / F: 0

Why do men like to get drunk out in Manchester? I get wanting the slags to get drunk so that you can rape them. But what about yourself? Are you not worried about getting robbed?

R: 5 / F: 1

My cat ate my homework, now my mom can't force me to do it. Hahaaha

R: 2 / F: 0

Vacuumed, mopped, did the laundry, feels clean, man. Now. How do we end women's financial independence?

R: 3 / F: 5

I bear witness that there is no better continent but Europe, and I bear witness that Warsaw is the Messenger of Central Europe

R: 5 / F: 1

Why is this an insulting caricature? God i hate feminism.

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I love everyone just so you know

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I tried putting the blame on the Jews again yesterday to my boomer dad and his childhood friend after they mentioned 1453 and the fall of Constantinople. I didn't really say anything of import only that they may have opened the walls to the Muslims and then said some other vaguely related things about the Jews like how they're behind the tranny phenomenon and communism and it just went nowhere after. But they looked at me as if I was quite silly.

R: 4 / F: 1

>Global rare earth market size is estimated around $5-10 billion >Trump asked for $500 billion

R: 3 / F: 1

Weird map, but ok.

R: 4 / F: 3

After debating with myself I decided I still need to go out drinking Im so free like a bird in the sky!

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KC told me Norwegian women are beautiful.

R: 4 / F: 0

One of your acquaintances attempts suicide and is admitted to a psychiatric hospital. You read their suicide note and it says: >Everything in my life is going terribly wrong. I look at Bernd and I see my own future. Just like him, I'm completely alone in this world. I never achieved anything. Like Bernd. There is no hope of anything ever going to be better. Just like with you-know-who. Goodbye. Your reaction?

Android System SafetyCore
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Text hidden

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Where can I find good quality solo woman pornographya with high resolution?

R: 5 / F: 2

This is a pro-Brazilian thread from Germany. With much love to Brazil.

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I have an interest in now becoming a member and apprentice of a livery company in London but I have no marketable talents, I suck at everything especially socializing, and I haven't really had a job since ever.. So I don't know anything about anything pertaining to this. I think this aspiration is not very feasible tbh. But what do you think, Bernds?

R: 3 / F: 2

Why doesn't NATO just offer Russoid soldiers 50,000 USD and permanent residence in some Western country if they surrender? It would only cost around 60 billion USD for EVERY current active Russian soldier, many times less than has been paid to Ukrwanda.

R: 2 / F: 0

Now that Firefox is kaput and has become Chrome 2.0, what are the alternatives?

R: 6 / F: 2

Gangstalking ruined my life Sieg Heil

R: 6 / F: 0

In two years I will move to Lexington Kentucky and I will die there. Its going to be lit. I'm almost 30 and know its the most based placed to die

R: 5 / F: 2

This is what British people looked like in 1994, look how happy they all are.

R: 3 / F: 0

Just believe bro, everything will be okay!

R: 4 / F: 4

Is it truth that soldiers who fought on ww2 were, prior the war, beating retired ww1 veterans who were peacefully protesting on washington?

R: 3 / F: 0

Wall Street watches Nvidia earnings closely. So much is riding on this event. There's concern about the amount of adoption of artificial intelligence computing. Models like DeepSeek used cost-reducing architecture.

R: 5 / F: 0

I wish i didnt have to buy drugs off the street like some kind of peasant They should provide inexpensive pure methamphetamine at government dispensaries so that i dont need to contribute to organized crime If an adult man offers his informed consent who are you to deny him

Sober streak ended
R: 6 / F: 2

Tomorrow it was gonna be 7 weeks, but I drank a little bit of vodka outside just 20minutes ago.

R: 3 / F: 1

i havent touched a female in 10 years, and i most likely wont for the rest of my life i will die alone and unloved

R: 9 / F: 5

Growing time Lidl had seed packs 3 for 89 cent and 4 pack propagator for 5,27

R: 2 / F: 1

I am not enjoying the current state of KC. I will go to bed now. Good night See you tomorrow

R: 2 / F: 0

IRL I'd say it's better to be celibate so you don't worry about women, which is very gay But then I come to imageboards and discuss women and craft theories about them, so I start worrying about women on an abstract level Stupid if you ask me

R: 4 / F: 1

I feel like this especially on weed.

R: 2 / F: 0

I've been gaslit, I've been gatekept, I've even been girlbossed around.

R: 4 / F: 1

Did you get nonced as a child? Do you know anyone who got nonced as a child. I smashed a chink chick a few years ago who told me in between fuggings that her dad molested her.

R: 4 / F: 2

Here are your declassified Epstein files, chud. Great victory for maga.

R: 2 / F: 2

It didn't have to be this way.

R: 4 / F: 1

I NEVER seed because they're stealing BANDWIDTH I paid for!

R: 3 / F: 0

What are some major German bydlo bands? Like if you hear someone listening to that you think "yep, that's a bydlo"

R: 2 / F: 0

look at the top of his head !

R: 4 / F: 4

ITT: Jesus Christ never really existed. Post a picture of the man you think came closest to being Jesus Christ.

R: 5 / F: 2

Do you get emotional listening to Hitler? It's crazy to think the largest war in human history was so recent, and is believed by so many to have been fought over absolutely nothing. Hitler tried to save us from the Jews, and millions of soldiers died fighting towards this end. Now people don't even remember. It feels important to be among the 1% or who know the true meaning of those world defining years.

R: 2 / F: 0

Best Korea behind the latest crypto heist Best Korea is so fucking based. I wish I was Best Korean Also why is Russia not doing the same?

R: 3 / F: 0

about to order steroids online but afraid of getting scammed or sold bunk/underdosed gear could send to a lab to test it but that will cost hundreds more hahahahha its so fucking over on top of that there is no good dutasteride source in all of EU so ill bald even more

R: 4 / F: 3

Anybody has that pic where reptile is leading gray, gray is leading jew, jew is leading the goy and such cases Asked AI for it, he said its racis and he wont look for it

R: 4 / F: 3

this is your appearance when you shout i hate niggers

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Why is the white man addicted to Africans and Indians

R: 4 / F: 1

i crave candice owen to suck on

R: 3 / F: 2

In this thread: Poland

R: 3 / F: 1

Well, I'm a fed and I am looking forward to child sex. Where can i aquire it in this site?

R: 4 / F: 0

No more mutt wars Destroy EVROPA

R: 4 / F: 0

It's been almost 2000 years since this guy, whose birth we base history off of, has died.. and we know barely anything else about him save what was written in the Bible and a brief mention by Tacitus. So I have to ask, who really was Jesus and who do you think he was, Bernd?

R: 2 / F: 0

There were no planes on 9/11 >Look up "the were no planes on 9/11" on jewgle >"FIND OUT 10 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT NINE ELEVEN AND HOW IT HAS AFFECTED THE HOLOCAUST VICTIMS!!!" >"ALSO READ: WHY U SHOULD SPREAD UR ASS FOR THE BLACK MEN" >"ALSO READ: WHY YOUR TAX MONEY SHOULD GO TO ISRAEL" I hate this nigger cattle fagged up world

no more captcha's
R: 4 / F: 1

the mods have answered our prayers, Bernds.

R: 2 / F: 0

Could the US military overthrow the drumpf regime and restore order... if things came to that do you think?

Should I become the beaner?
R: 2 / F: 0

Why shouldn't I?

R: 3 / F: 0

Drinking ans tea :D

R: 3 / F: 1

I am only Swede allowed to post frogs, all other Swedes must die.

R: 6 / F: 2

you are brown and gypsy

R: 2 / F: 0

How the fuck did the brazilian dog end up there ?

R: 3 / F: 0

Where is Mobnik? I wonder, does he ever feel guilt?

Is this you?
R: 2 / F: 1

Symptoms of poor anima integration: - moodiness - tendency to idealize women, and at the same time hating them - need for female validation - strong desire to have a girlfriend, often with unrealistic attributes, to the point of obsession - problems interacting with women, social anxiety - difficulty to express emotions - insecurity

R: 4 / F: 4

Free like a bird!