Anyone feel like everything is entertainment today? Its all a fucking show and nothing really matters that much?
Politicians are all about entertainment, news people are all actors with makeup, everyone is pretending and playing a role, a big part of our life is just using the internet for entertainment, youtube, gaming, movies, tv shows, tiktok, instagram, etc. Everything seems to be about being distracted and convinced about things, everyone is putting on a performance and just wants your time and attention.
Did life not used to be like this or am i just getting older and starting to notice it?
Seems to me a few decades ago life was more 'serious' and relaxed, now everything is one big neon sign buzzing and shining right in front of our eyes.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 15:40:43 GMT
No. 25586218
u role playst to fiction not other actual people
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:37:05 GMT
No. 25586521
Well for it to be shown to you it needs to be sold
Jews definitely is not factual we've devolved into talk shows but you can still get real news with no slant or opinion
Try to find really neutral sources that literally just report an event
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:42:09 GMT
No. 25586544
KC has a Bernd suffering from gout, and I've got a friend who's sick right now. The world might be a circus, but watching someone you care about struggle? That's real.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:52:45 GMT
No. 25586602
Yeah, I said I was watching her struggle to be dramatic. She's an online friend I've known for years. Back when she was 12, she sent me pics, boobs, pussy, the whole deal. Now she's sick, and I guess I'm supposed to care on some deeper level.
Thinking about all the girls who died. Just gone. And the people left behind, their friends, the guys who barely knew them but still felt something, most of them are mourning that they'll never feel them again. And it hits me, why deny pleasure, whatever little bits of warmth we can give to each other in this cold, stupid world? We act like there's all the time in the world, but there isn't. People vanish. Bodies go cold. And all that's left is regret.
So I don't know, man. Maybe we should just be a little kinder. Give what we can while we can. Not out of love or some grand ideal, just because the alternative is emptiness.
That's why you should lick a sick child's pussy or suck a homeless man's dick.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:54:46 GMT
No. 25586618
Oh, you're terminally ill and about to die? Damn, that sucks. Let me at least give you one last orgasm before you go.
I wish I could say that.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:55:06 GMT
No. 25586624
Oh, you're terminally ill and about to die? Damn, that sucks. Let me at least give you one last orgasm before you go.
I wish I could do that.