Help me, Bernds.
I'm doing a silly one-off project for a fren, and I'm doing well. I'm waiting for the fren to do some final measurements and stuff, and I'm ready for the last stretch.
In the meantime I started to pimp to purple part, cause it's simplicity was an eyesore. My second take is much better, but I'm still not satisfied. It's curvy, it's smooth, it's not a straight line, but I find it vulgar.
Here's what I came up with.
Chicken legs won't do, cause it's ugly, and I want to route some wires on the back-side.
The convex hull of 2 circles is simple and functional.
The 3rd I made by adding a 3rd circle that kisses the other two, and I switch orbits. That's the golden printed one, the vulgar.
The 4th is done with polynomial interpolation, and it's C^1 smooth.
The 5th is much like the 4th, but it's C^2 smooth.
Should I abandon the circle-pillars angle, and do it with splices all the way? That's a lot of control points.
Should I use one big-ass polynomial, or do it piece-wise?
What do I miss?
What would Tengri do?
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:22:37 GMT
No. 25522311
Here's the code.
My tools are awful. Openscad as a programming language is a joke.
Tell me about your tools, Bernd. Can you do nice curves without diddling coordinates and fiddling control points?
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:24:29 GMT
No. 25522316
It holds up the golden plate in pic#1.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:30:28 GMT
No. 25522353
You're an outsider till you make one, you know.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:58:05 GMT
No. 25522517
Takes one to know one mmmhm