>Would you bernd?
I already wrote about it
an ex-classmate from high school of mine is a single mom, got with a "bad boy" kinda guy (even tho she came from a good family), they been together for a decade, he made her a kid and split
I think she is also deep in denbs
we had a class reunion and she did the "I always liked you in school bernd but was too shy to say anything" thing to me
at first I was all "damn I was stupid for not seeing the signs, I wasted my chance!", Mind you she was REALLY pretty, like 7/10 easily, she also did not hit the wall, and aged really great, better than me
but then I realised she might actually have had an other motive, and she is not telling the truth
So i did my best to gently let her know I am not interested
Also what she did- I understand why she did it. It was (unknowingly) pretty cruel as I have a lot of unprocessed issues from high school, and a lot of regret and self-hate for what I consider missing out on chances
but i do not resent her, as I understand she might be desperate
later someone implied she might have done similar thing to other guys from my former class