that doesn't take back from what I said, it just means that the local boogeyman question was already taken care of
in the case of france, the boogeyman was already taken care of, in the case of germany, not really
a victory over the aristocracy after outright humiliating and destituting them was enough, a total deportation of jews or mass extermination of them was what was necessary for the germans, and that means defeating other nations that were controlled by the jew internationally who was undermining the german man
>Napoleon brought a stop to the revolutionaries trying to create an ever permanent revolution in france and in europe.
it's just funny that both napoleon and hitler's reigns lasted almost the same, napoleon's rule over france lasted 15 years, hitler's rule 12
>Napoléon reinstated slavery in the colonies
Again, since there was no heavy emphasis on race, contemporary people don't see any reason to lump Napoleon together with the likes of Hitler
People will see Napoleon as the good emperor guy rather than the evil racist guy because at the very least, he did not practice emphasization on categorizing certain people as racially inferior during his campagins or his government