I'm approaching 20 years with my current girlfriend, and we still love each other, even though she knows I fuck other women.
Remind me to tell you about the times I fucked her 'visiting professor' friend on her own desk at the university, one time when she was so on the rag that it ruined our rug and it was collected. I hope they enjoyed the DNA, because I certainly enjoyed the experience, as bloody as it was.
Sometimes you just gotta go for it, you know? Life is short, it really is, and you should grab every experience you can get along the way (within reason, of course; don't be letting anybody be puttin' they dick in yo asshole, e.g.).
It's an interesting world out there if you approach it from the right direction, but the gag with that is that no one really knows what that direction actually is. Anyways, just fuckin' have at it and try to have fun along the way. That's the best I got.
t. normal oldfag