>You are stuck in your Ossi-and Russians-psychosis.
He is a western leftist
The left never liked nor wanted German reunification and THEY HATE people from former GDR for "betraying socialism" (they never bothered to join by moving there). Especially SPD Scholz party said in 1988 that there will be never a reunification and wishing so is revesionism, revanchism, fascism and will lead to the next world war. Scholz was an admirer of GDR and all of his current comrades as well. Famous SPD member and shill Nobel price writer Grass protested reunification and claimed partition of Germany and putting the eastern half under soviet dictatorship as "just punishment for WWII".
Lots of leftist tried to play down their antipathy for people from eastern Europe that escaped communism with degrading "humor" about those rubes, retards and "fascists" - like the title "Zonen-Gabys erste Banane" Gaby from the (East-)Zone first banana, showing a girl with a cucumber, not having an idea how a real banana (west) looked. Lefties really liked to make banana jokes about easterner because that was a fruit plenty in the west but hardly available in the east. It was passive-aggressive posturing under the see-through cover of "humor", that their "prefered economic-political system" came crushing down.
Western leftist hated people that had fled the Soviet system even before of the fall of the wall regardless of nationality. For them they were all right-winger, "fascists" or real Nazis, but the most scorn they had for Germans, be that from GDR, resettler from former German territories or Russian-Germans. You can still see that here after 50 years, with the accusation of being a "Waldi", Waldemar allegedly a typical Russian-German name. Mind you lots of "Russian-Germans" that came after the fall of the wall are actually Russian jews, hundred of thousands, at least a half million of them having moved to Germany.
The Greens went complete insane, conditioned through reeducation, seeing the rise of a 4th Reich with jews going through smoke stacks. They demanded the complete eradication of Germany and the German people. They did that in writing and political activism of the Anti-Germans.
Those people not immediately put into insane asylums was work of the protective hands of foreign intelligence agencies holding over them, see Leipzig Connewitz.
You should really careful check whatever a "German-ball" is posting here. They are more likely not German at all.