No. More than 100M Native Americans had died in the century following Columbus, and not from any deliberate action of Conquistadors, but from plagues the filthy Europeans carried. This wave of pandemic plagues utterly destroyed the many and powerful cultures that had vied for power in the Americas prior to the 16th Century, leaving only tattered remnants less than 1% of their populations only a century prior.
For this reason, very little actual military force was required to conquer N. America after the 16th Century, as what fragmented remnants of former civilizations were incapable of maintaining their cultures, of forming any kind of alliances as they scrambled to sort the territory largely rent fallow by the catastrophic plagues, and were necessarily pitted each against the others while the populations east of the Appalachians burgeoned in the richest of the lands abandoned by all but ghosts of the people that had once ruled there.
Even had not the English pressed westwards, there were Spaniards, Russians, and others ready to press east. There was never any chance for the native populations to recover and regain their nations after the introduction of the plagues.