Most likely reason, because the government has a lot of clerical and burecratic jobs that private companies don't have, and black women with degrees just go for those kind of jobs more.
Or because they care more about work life balance and free time, which government offers, than making a higher salary working 80 hours a week for SpaceX or for Jekyll Rubenstein Law and Associates?
Or maybe because the government has a less biased hiring methodology than the private sector, and black women are ugly so Elon Musk and all the other guys in charge don't want to hire one to be his sexy secretary like he would a white woman.
Probably a bit of the last and a bit of the first. Government hires more black women when the private sector wouldn't at some point in time. Black women gain a culture of working in the government sector, and continue to go to those jobs, even if they could get private sector jobs now.
black woman
>i dont have a father and my mom and aunt worked at the dmv and my grandma was a secretary at the county clerk so i guess i'll get something along those lines
>"yaaaaaas sweetie apply for the government they treat yo right mhhhmm"